What class will your high elf be?


I don’t know that they have to be valid for high elves.

One would hope that our hairstyles will all be able to add or remove tentacles for all our hairstyles even the ones that never had tentacles.

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Yes, it is a possibility.

As long as they add a few hairstyles with straight hair (there are some already but more are needed), everyone will be happy.

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I generally try not to assume the likes and desires of “everyone”.

I have no doubt some would be quite happy with that.

I also have no doubt some will not be.

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For sure, as an example I unfortunately know a few homophobes in my family who were upset when gay marriage was de-criminalized in this country.

Yeah so do I, though none in my family since I’m gay and I, happily, have very supportive (if occasionally ignorant) family members.

That however has nothing to do with customizations in a video game and is kinda insulting to claim any similarity imo.


I love the colors of these sets, they are perfect for Silver Covenant transmogs.:+1:


Imo it’s a stark and direct parallel. Who cares if someone else is mad that my bf and I hold hands in public? NOT me.

It’s not at all the same…

Not only that but the post you chose to respond to of mine was just saying that people have different views on what will make them satisfied.

Imo you’re directly and insultingly trying to stir the pot for literally no reason. Don’t insult the trials and struggles of LGBTQIA+ folk by saying that’s the same as people in a video game forum bickering about customizations.

We’re talking about pixels not people’s lives.


Spell Hunter :slight_smile:


Thanks all for entertaining me during a long lunch break!

Y’all are almost as intense as listening to my Aunties from N. Ireland and cousins from Ireland going at it. But at least only pixels were harmed.


Try Throne of Thunder. You get shot.


There will be the duo Vereesa/Jaina to welcome him :joy:

On the island of thunder.

Blood elf ballista :


High elf ballista :


Also without pilot. :man_shrugging:


Do I spot elf npcs standing nearby? Oh wow, it’s almost like it wasn’t impossible to add them standing near the seige equipment. :face_with_monocle:


The point made is that I don’t care if people get mad how I LIVE MY LIFE. I’m not hurting anyone, and when I EANRED the right to marry the future love of my life, I certainly didn’t take away the option for straight people to get married.

NOT Sorry.

Why only have one?

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:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:, right?

mine will be a paladin with golden eyes and golden wear and golden hair on a golden chair.

Thought to share some screenshots here of the Silver Covenant fighting for the Alliance in the Shadowlands Pre-patch event, even the mage portal to Stormwind opened by a Silver Covenant Arcanist.


No, I didn’t take these screenshots, but well, anyone here who thinks that the SC is apart of the KT and fights for Dalaran, yeah, no. The SC is still apart of the Alliance and will always remain to be.

Once again, Blizzard always teases the Alliance with the High Elves on the Alliance, yet, all they want to show for the Alliance is customisations to be that. How about instead of these customisations, Blizzard undo there mistake, and give the Alliance actual Alliance High Elves as a seperate playable race. No the Void Rejects from Silvermoon, not the Blood Rejects in Silvermoon.


Why are belfs so weird
Next they will want to be power rangers