What class will your high elf be?

That’s a stretch.

I make points and you shout angry non-sequitors about how horrible I am.

And that was more of a note of it being as productive as talking to a wall

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That’s cute, biased opinions are less points and more your feelings, but we’re aware you’ve never known the difference :man_shrugging:.

Speak for yourself, you have no idea how wonderful it is to show forum goers your blatant, anti-high elf, horde-centric bias. Really just sets the stage for your opinions to be tossed :heart:, from the start your presence is corrupt and toxic.

There’s a reason you’re not muted :face_with_hand_over_mouth:, you’ve done nothing but help us on your 3rd loss.

I’m just constantly amazed how you keep believing that you’re the one who would look good to outside observers coming into these threads.


This isn’t hard to understand. Void elves and Blood elves are high elves. The exact same way I am a Latino, you might be Caucasian, Asian, etc but we are still Humans. Same with elves. Void elf high elf has a different racial skill then blood elf high elves but that doesn’t matter. I have different racial skills then white folk but all still Humans. Easy peasy to understand. The players still crying about high elves are the ones who want to see the name under the character. It doesn’t matter that high elves have been playable since blood elves were introduced. Dwarf players got their wildhammers, trolls got their sandfury and elf players have had their high elf for years. I don’t see blizzard adding the blood elf model with blue eyes when we already have the blood elf model with blue eyes on both factions. Thank you Blizzard.


By constantly proving you wrong and showing how skewed your anti-lore and horde biased views are?

Sure thing Tarrok. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

You are so adorable.

I’m aware :kissing_heart:.

:wave:, must be so hard to be the type of person to never want to be wrong, yet you are.

Because you’ve lost 3 times. :face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth:

You guys should get a room!

I think the same, I am 100% satisfied with my void elf, I would not change anything, I am already anxious for patch 9.1.5 to come out so that it looks like this:

The truth is that what others think matters very little to me, although it saddens me that there are people who get angry because a person is happy wearing a high elf, how can you get angry about something like that? It’s very childish …

PS: I am missing that damn tabard only from WOD, I hope I can get it out quickly, but things are slow.


Doesn’t matter, we now have void elves able to change to and from normal forms to void forms (entropic embrace)

You’re trolling if you believe fel blood elf allied race wouldn’t have their own racial different from arcane torrent.

They don’t need to be a separate race like you guys got void elves and high elves stuff.

Not arguing for it to be a separate race.

It’s sad you reject it for spite alone.

I do think this is regrettably true.

As much as I want more impressive void options, I have few illusions to whether blizzard will ever listen to those of us interested in them.

The spread isn’t really that far off actually.

That said posters who post often tend towards less forms of “void”. Those also tend to be helf pro folk.

Those who don’t care or don’t want high elf options tend more towards the Eldritch, though in different levels.

It’s actually kinda neat how the spread of interest is. Void elf fans are a diverse group.

You could give them a chance, or just not use them yourself.

No harm in it.

If you’d put down the vitriol you’d find a lot more common ground.

Even Ariel, who claims to be like you, is far better at seeing the other sides point of view.

It sounded like you were…


Well I wasn’t… … … … Now you can stop misunderstanding … … … …

You called it felblood allied race!

And if you scroll up I use it as a hypothetical example. Might want to read the full conversation

I think your Kirin Tor tabard is a little bit outdated…

I think this one is better:

Back on topic, though… My 7th Legion Archmage High Elf:


I mean there were Dwarves in the Scarlet Crusade so I don’t see why not High Elves


We will surely have more void customizations, they will be visible on certain hairstyles or the aesthetics of the jewelry but they will be less obvious/monstrous, they must also be valid for the HE fantasy as soon as we use tentacle toggle.


This Kirin tor tabard reminds me of wonderful memories ! :purple_heart: