What class will your high elf be?

Just stopped into this thread to say, I would never stoop so low as to play alliance.

I think Blizzard will be focusing on new hairstyles, beards, jewelry… for the new Void Elf customizations.

It’s too much work what you are asking, they have other Allied Races to update.

Not really, I would love felblood stuff on horde too. San’layn. The horde wants that stuff. And the void elves basically took any of that possibility being on the horde (the void magics). So the onus is on them for putting cool void stuff on that race.

Idk we will see what they do. I just hope they put eldritch stuff. On the void elves. Since they are like on of the races I play on alliance.

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Or, maybe I just think it’d be pretty awesome if they added that kind of stuff in to show off the potential of the void.


Fel blood and San’Layn aesthetics for blood elves are different than model ruining tentacles and eyeballs on void elves, those aesthetics don’t ruin the overall silhouette and rig of the blood elf model, they add to it and would be amazing additions to blood elves, there’s no real reason for them not to gain it.

Meeting the Eldritch aesthetic half way in void elves is the farthest thing of exploring the potential of the void, K’thir meet that more than any race or model in game at this time that isn’t just a void elemental.

The true exploration of the void should come from a race birth from it, not grafted on it like blue blood elves.

You only do a disservice to it by meeting it half way.


Of course, but it will only be in the hairstyles.

See you say that because you have seen them and liked them. I feel they could do the same for void elves.

Like a slighty see through glowing ribcage would be nice and eldritch.

FMA mixes some horror into there characters to good effect.


Not with the blood elf rig, sorry, it’s two different themes clashing in one model and does both a disservice, this isn’t an anime, our models are finite, the characters in FMA look good because they were created to look good in that aesthetic, blood elves with grafted appendages were not.

I want true Eldritch horrors, from Ethereals to K’thir, not the pretty horde race colored blue.

And there’s plenty of stuff they could do if they actually bothered to be creative about it that would work well with the model.

And in words I swear I’ve heard a lot in these threads: If you don’t like them you don’t have to use them


When I want to make a character appear affiliated with the Silver Covenant, I’m less concerned about emulating the NPC outfits, than I am with matching the outfit to the tabard.

Here’s some Silver Covenant mogs I put together for each armor type:

It’s mostly BFA pvp stuff with some of it duplicated from the SL pre-launch event Argent Conscript sets and certain crafted weapons. The cloth set is primarily a non class specific recolor of the mage Ulduar set. Any class (of the appropriate armor type) can use these outfits so it’s an easy way to make any character look like a member of the Silver Covenant.


Fen has given plenty of monstrous examples for void elves and the most popular take aways of those are always the more aesthetically pleasing options like void tattoos/hair tentacles/glows not the ones that ruin the model.

Anything less than tearing the model apart and rebuilding it to be monstrous does a disservice to the overall Eldritch theme and does not aesthetically please a larger amount of people, which is always Blizzards goal.


I mean. the pretty options are good, it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t get other stuff. Also by your logic many people should have gone horde if they didn’t want to play void elves in the first place…


Money speaks for itself, sorry you believe your ideas special enough to please more people than it actually does.

There’s a reason your ideas haven’t been listened to, and my sub and $25 race changes for popular aesthetics, matter more to a company than your unique, model ruining ideas that please less people.


Yes yes, we know

My favorite part of our talks is when you’ve run out of BS to spew.

Always a pleasure with you Tarrok, thanks for keeping the high elf aesthetic on the front page with your tantrums :heart:, looking forward to more hair styles :face_with_hand_over_mouth:.

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Well, that went as usual

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Hmmm we will see what they add. I liked the void elves enough to race change into one one a few characters, but I was hoping we got more void elf stuff, instead we got high elf stuff.
Which tbh I could have just gone horde for.

I love the void and old god stuff. I only hope blizzard will listen to the guys that liked the void in void elves as much as they listened to the high elf fans.

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Haha yeah right?

Good thing it’s never about us chatting, it’s about me exposing your horde/anti high elf bias. :heart:.

I love you thinking we actually converse :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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