What class will your high elf be?

Merci mille fois!

So there we have it. All the Alliance leaders and Vereesa without a single Kirin Tor.


im looking at the previous arguments SC are pledged to the alliance and not the kirin tor/dalaran and all i see being peddled are portals and invisible elves at org

and looking back there actually was a high elf near the ballistae

This is a pvp quest, and the quest is specifically to honor the players accomplishments against the horde. All the NPCs there are military leaders of the alliance forces. This is not a random pve thing lol.

    Anduin Wrynn says: Before you stands a true champion who has won many great victories in the name of the Alliance.
Anduin Wrynn says: The ancient weapon they wield is a symbol of hope to those we have sworn to protect.
Anduin Wrynn says: So come, friends, lend me your voices! Join me in honoring <name>!
Anduin Wrynn says: For the Alliance!
<Crowd cheers>

I mean portals are canon, otherwise WoD would be 100% impossible lol. And I’m no talking about he DP but the following mage portals that we open for supplies and armies from azeroth to come through.


Did the horde have the leader of the sunreaver for the same event ?:face_with_monocle:


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This is in Legion, and does not relate to anything anyone is discussing though? Vereesa was present for an anointment, that’s all. It doesn’t change the fact that she was absent through the entire expansion centered on the faction conflict.

Care to cite me some instances of the Silver Covenant’s involvement in BFA?

Oh, that is spicy. So Aethas was not a part of the Horde version?(I dont pvp much so i never did the quest)

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According to Zerde, if you look really closely there’s a tiny 1 inch tall Silver Covenant member manning that Ballista.

I’m saying Blizzard has always been lazy about actually adding drivers to siege weapons. Just look at the catapults/balista from Warcraft 2/3.

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yes vereesa appears in a personal capacity for the player who helped the kirin tor with the purge of dalaran and possibly in wrath and defending her homeland too. how does that compromise neutrality?

Warrior because we can’t be paladins.

I hope Blizzard will be giving us some new ‘clean’ hairstyles for these new hair colours, just so we’re able to play a properly convincing helf. Our bad hairlines are brutal.

how do you know void elves didnt drop them off? thats literally one of their specialties, to move objects or people through the nether to another location



Could do more of different areas but hey the deeds already done.


Zerde: Ballista go vrooom vrooooom

The only thing lazy is your argument.

They took the time to add the Ballista models, but couldn’t take the time to add even a single Silver Covenant NPC. Hmm :face_with_monocle:

Legion or not is not “expired”, it actually stayed after they changed the pvp system from Legion to BFA, and it shows that they are involved with the alliance army. You don’t see things like Pandas in most things and doesn’t mean they aren’t part of the factions.

As for BFA Vereesa is alongside Alleria in the last quest of the war campaing supposedly. But I barely touched BFA.

This is not a “personal” thing this is a reunion of faction military leaders. Hence why only these characters appear. After all, this is a pvp quest.
`Pretending Vereesa’s involvement is the random exception for no reason is quite daft.


Aethas isn’t there, but that’s likely due to the fact that his presence at the start of Legion was meant to be enigmatic thanks to his role in helping fire mages get Felo’melorn.

It’s time-locked to legion, as are all legion quests. Even Anduin uses his old model from legion as well.

I swear you have the weakest, dollar store responses to literally everything.

high elf sorceress only appear if you have void elves unlocked. they werent there before were they? its almost like they came from dalaran or quel’thalas seeking forbidden knowledge

not sure what posting a SC outpost beneath dalaran means. and its actually therefore a kirin tor outpost

Yah i know but awesome seeing them in Stormwind! The High Elves that is.

Did you see mine? o:

Also, take off the belt in the second and last screenshot.

Sure dear.