What class will your high elf be?

Half of the elf and a quarter of the gnome.

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Yes!! That sounds right to me. :laughing: :grin:

There are no Night elven npcs or Orc npcs in Warsong Gulch but we assume that conflict is primarily driven by them and that is the reason their NPCs are the battlemasters of WG.

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Except in this context they were recruiting farmers because they were out of soldiers, they have no other choice. This hasn’t the case in the past.

It doesn’t matter, if blizzard wanted to give the impression that they were involved, they would have, they produce npcs when the narrative calls for it. In this case blizzard neglected to use them at all, even when they could’ve placed a few npcs around the ballistas. There were flavor npcs spread over the whole map, and during the entire scenario not a single silver covenant was added anywhere.

Nothing aligns, or is consistent with the idea that they were involved. Not their lack of presence throughout the entire expansion, or their absence in battle at the gates of orgimmar. Youre not going to convince me or others with an unmanned ballista.

And no proof they were silver covenant so :woman_shrugging:

does anyone know what this person is referencing? like where was the SC fighting for the alliance in bfa?

either way if their fanfiction was true then the SC would have begun participating against the horde from the moment the conflict began in cataclysm and they revamped the world. in every zone they revamped, the countless alliance points of interest/conflicts, no one where do you find ‘high elves’ or the SC. they did leave dalaran to help the farstriders defend their homeland tho

thats as relevant as saying they accompanied the kirin tor and joined the horde/alliance assault on suramar. do you remember the isle of thunder? was it called the SC offensive or the kirin tor offensive

vereesa tried to JOIN THE HORDE after mop(LOL). she literally got to trsifal glades before she remembered she had 2 half elf kids that depended on her


no they werent. show me a SC npc doing anything in wintergrasp. opening a portal behind the scenes does not equal engageing in open hostilities with the horde. even fanlyr silverthorn said the sunreavers just opening a portal here to help us facilitate the theft of the bell was jeopardizing their neutrality but actually attacking? thats another bowl of fruit

The gleaming purple-and-emerald forests of Ashenvale are more than just pleasant woodland. To the Warsong orcs who name themselves Outriders, they’re a prize cache of building planks; to the night-elven Silverwing Sentinels, they’re home. Where the turned soil and tree stumps surrounding Horde lumber mills start to encroach on Ashenvale’s timberlands, these two factions clash.

Warsong Gulch has a lore introduction.
Wintergrasp does not.

Lol all this discussion when you reach a cerain lvl in pvp there’s a quest where you go with all the faction’s leaders. For the alliance, Vereesa and the SC is there.


Wintergrasp Fortress is an ancient Titan stronghold built to protect the Vault of Archavon. Horde and Alliance forces battle furiously for control of the place, eager to seize the artifacts and relics held within the vault for their battle against the Lich King. Gnome and goblin engineers work feverishly in hastily-assembled workshops to crank out the mighty siege engines attackers will need to batter down the fortress’ walls and towers

Both Silver Covenant and Sunreavers are Alliance/Horde forces and they did join the fight.

You really love lying dont you?

Lemme guess, you cant actually show any proof of this? (I played both sides.)

Lul unless you’re referring to the wintergrasp conversation

BWAHAH! Thanks.

Sure you did


it wouldnt surprise me if the portals are even canon. and still, are they joining the fight? ofc not

as danuser has said portal rooms largely are a gameplay mechanic. they might not even be canon. and even then the reinforcements could be for dealing with the titan keepers and they are surprised to see the horde there and THEN fight over it

Okay, so this proved nothing lmao

Guess you didn’t even read the page.

Its more having a portal open 24/7 is not canon. Portals themselves that transport troops are very much canon:

When a portal whirled open, the normally reserved night elves cheered. The magi who stepped through, who until this moment had only cautiously been made welcome in Darnassus, smiled in surprise. The cheers swelled when they each opened another portal—and reached a crescendo as, over the course of

several minutes (and with not a few interruptions), a dozen bears, birds, and nightsabers came through.

I did read it. Vareesa or the SC being in Stormwind doesn’t say anything though? They were present for what equates to an anointment. What does that have to do with participating in the faction conflict?

And this was in legion lol

hello Vereesa ! :blue_heart:


so the proof is portals whose canon is debatable and invisible elves at siege of ogrimarr 2.0 over the last 13 years. these are the instances?

You are conflating two different things. The portal discussion is about wintergrasp and has nothing to do with Ogrimmar.

And you can say goodbye to Vareesa when you leave the city and you never see her again lmao

And this is in legion? why is this even relevant