What class will your high elf be?

The Silver Covenant is not Kirin Tor. No more then the Alliance living in Dalaran are considered subservient to the wills of the Kirin Tor.

Otherwise have yet to be proven.

The book shows it, in game clarifies it with the Kirin’tor so obviously taking charge of Vereesa when she misbehaves.

Then where were they throughout the entirety of BFA? Why was the only example of their presence in the form of a single, unmanned Ballista? This is not consistent at all with your theory, especially if the Alliance were beginning to recruit farmers, and civilians.

If anything, they were respecting the neutrality regardless.

Player races are implied because… they’re playable races. The Silver Covenant is not playable, so if you want to allude to them being present you have to prove it.

For instance I can’t argue that the San’lyn were present, just because they also didn’t show the void elves either. You have no proof that any Silver Covenant members were present besides Vareesa - you merely have speculation, which is not compelling or interesting to me.

That is a made up rule that has no basis. The high elves are member and they don’t need to “prove” that they participate in various conflicts.

  1. Genn was exaggerating. Especially considering after Zuldazar the Alliance was suddenly winning.
  2. the high elves are still few in number hence they cannot just participate in every encounter. However, considering it would be the final battle of course they would lend their strength.

The difference between the San’lyn and the high elves is they were not even official members of the Horde. As I recall one San’lyn that wanted to join was killed.

There was a whole group of them.
All killed though.

Correct all killed, unlike the Silver Covenant.

And they were still no show as a force in the final march on Orgrimmar.

Made up? Players choose their race, and can be involved in the scenario, so the possibility of their presence is implied. To imply the presence of a group with absolutely no proof besides speculation has no basis.

The Horde was also struggling, that doesn’t suggest they weren’t recruiting farmers. Forgive me if I don’t take the word of “Zerde” random bias alliance player over Blizzard. They didn’t write him to “exaggerate” they wrote his lines to tell the audience a story.

You have this terrible tendency to insert personal opinion, and just expect people to take your word for it, even if it contradicts what we hear in the game.

They were not in any encounter. If the idea was to give players the impression that the Silver Covenant was an active force during the faction conflict how does neglecting to use them at all convey this? And then you pretend that the presence of this Ballista must mean they’re present because they’re a “loyal” alliance force? Again, all you have is speculation, and it is not at all compelling or convincing.

If you’re going to just keep repeating the same tired “I think they were there!” I’m not interested. Show me a Silver Covenent NPC and I will be convinced, until then.

The San’lyn were officially part of the Horde actually, you meet them while they’re being issued orders in Nazmir from Telanji and the troll horde general.

Which again was not the case. Sure the entire thing was grim but even after the war the Alliance still had plenty of soldier. There is this thing call hyperbole.

Blizzard specifically added high elven balistas to show the Silver Covenant/high elves were participating in the war. They keep adding high elven NPC thoughout BfA. If their goal was to definitively tells us high elves did not participate it would have been better not to add it.

We saw high elves although the conflict. as we have seen before 7th Legion high elves(which are generally tagged as both Silver Covenant and 7th Legion)

And they were all killed off by the Alliance.


They were in “trial period” but they are all dead, the alliance wiped them all out before they joined the horde.

And they also betrayed the horde by attacking the crew of their ships.

In the end, the alliance did the horde a service.:joy:

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You cannot say they still had plenty of soldiers, when half of the faction conflict Anduin was running around saying that he did not have the men to fight Sylvanas and needed the Horde’s help. Which again the cutscene showing the dead soldiers emphasized this, where Genn mentioned they were beginning to recruit farmhands.

The situation at this point had grown dire, that was the whole narrative. I’m not taking your word over what was literally being told by the narrative of the game. It’s becoming clear to me that you seem to just write your own canon in your head, and seem to think that everyone else needs to be convinced of it without any actual proof to back it up. Just stop.

Citation on the intention of Blizzard adding this Ballista? No citation, just more theorycrafting on your part? Cool, like I said I’m not interested in your headcanon unless you can actually show me a Silver Covenant NPC.

No we didn’t see any Silver Covenant units fighting for the Alliance, we saw 7th legion high elf mages, and portal keepers.

They were just an example, I could apply this to any other group and make the same argument with the “Well we didn’t see this race, so this race could be present argument!” the point is that it doesn’t actually prove anything.

And said narrative managed to tell us we were suddenly winning and “weeks away” from victory after the siege of Zandalar.

And yet you are doing the same. What we we know is these balistas are considering high elven. Therefore the high elves did participate in that battle(specially high elves that follow Vereesa, who also was there). Anything else you say is your own head canon.

And 7th Legion high elves were tagged before as Silver Covenant ones as well.

Winning at great cost, as evidence by what we saw in the cinematics, and from the very words coming from Genn, and Anduin’s mouth. The narrative was clear, the war was costing them dearly, so much so they began hiring Farmhands to fill their ranks.

I’m not speculating anything. There’s a ballista, that’s it. That’s the cold, hard fact of the situation, and unless you can actually provide evidence of a Silver Covenant NPC, that’s all there will be. :woman_shrugging:

It does not say they’re Silver Covenant.

I wouldn’t say they’re the same, but demon hunters are not the original races they were. Gameplay they are but that’s just cause blizzard made them a class not a race.

Void elves are no longer blood elves but they made them a race.

Wait did this entire argument start by claiming void elves were something other than void elves?

The Alliance has been hiring farm hands since Wrath. It was never meant to mean anything more than to prove the situation is dire but the cold hard truth is Blizzard doesnt really care about population.

And said balista is Silver Covenant. As we have discussed in the other thread about balistas Blizzard has never been consitent with adding drivers to them, but they do require them and it is impled they would be manned by high elves.

In Wrath they were marked as both. One can belong to both organization there is no lore suggesting you cannot.

In wrath they were aiding the Alliance against the scourge.
Yes… the Sunreavers and the Silver Covenant was granted leave to aid the Horde and the Alliance in neutral operations, such as against the scourge.

Agian, not a hard concept to fathom. They are, however, not allowed to act as organisation in favor of one faction against the other, unless the ruling council determines otherwise as specified in the story ‘Tides of War’ thus making them a neutral force under the Kirin’tor.

If either of the two groups were truly Horde or Alliance members, then there would be no need for the Kirin’tor to be discussing about their neutrality when Jaina came to them to ask for help. It would be as easy as putting butter on toast for either Aethas or Vereesa to just say: “Well, my group is not a part of the Kirin’tor, so we can just send our own to help defend Theramore, hue hue hue” but they did not because they need the permission of the ruling council.

“That’s the last of the soldiers… they’ll be calling up farmers next”

Which is directly implying that they have literally no soldiers left, and have begun hiring farmers to fill their ranks. (While showing us the countless dead piled up on the pier) And again, I’m not interested in your tin-foil theory about Blizzard’s idea of population, the point is that the narrative clearly indicates they were struggling, it was implied all throughout the expansion.

Every time you can’t prove your point with any facts you substitute with with these speculations. I can’t have a conversation with someone who’s more concerned with being “Right” than actually discussing the lore.

A ballista is still not proof of Silver Covenant NPCs, I’m not going to take your word for it that there’s a magical invisible NPC riding the Ballista. If the idea was that it was manned by Silver Covenant soldiers, they would add silver Covenent NPCs.

Without any Silver Covenent actually present, it’s merely a Ballista. Suggesting more is solely speculation. And I’m not interested in it.

And yet here they weren’t so these ones are not. 7th legion High elf mages are not all Silver Covenant.

And again, they were literally joining both sides in their fight for Wintergrasp. We know both sides have never dropped their allegiances.

And the Alliance has been conscripting farmers since Wrath but it has never truly matter.

https:// wowpedia.fandom .com/wiki/Civilian_Recruit

The Alliance was clearly struggling. However, so would and probably more so the remaining high elves. You are speculating that their suppose non-participation means they did not want to help/would not help when it more likely we just don’t see it ingame/they themselves cant spare too much forces.

There is no proof of that.


So a high elf and a low gnome go to a bar. The bartender is a medium dwarf. What level is the bouncer?

I would have been more inclined to agree.
If the Covenant actually had a part to play in the fight itself, but they don’t. None of the Alliance NPCs in the battleground itself are High Elves.
As I mentioned earlier, it is just the same case as with the warlock. It is a High Elven enclave, it does not really exist, but it is a High Elf enclave therefor we put a High Elf warlock in there. It is not lore, it is just there.