What class will your high elf be?

Silver Covenant High Elf Ranger

7th Legion High Elf Battle Mage



I assume because it was an event that already was technically heavy. As I recall nearly every playable race was involved. Also, the assumption is our balistas are not “magically” firing on there own. That there is an actually person operating it but again not actually rendered ingame because it would be resources intensive/would have to be coded differently.

Yeah same. As well as some of the High Elven tattoos…


That’s the point though, your argument relies heavily on conjecture and assumptions, which don’t amount to much. Anyone can speculate on the whys, or hows of any situation, but speculation is unreliable and has no place in a conversation revolving the facts. And the fact of the matter is there are no silver covenant NPCs present at the battle, if Blizzard wanted to add them they could have, but didn’t. The end.

Ballistas seem to operate independently, but are usually accompanied by NPCs who are likely supervising it’s operation. We have examples of manned Ballistas in-game as well, so I don’t believe that we’re supposed to imagine anyone piloting them.

It’s more than likely Vareesa brought a Ballista to help in the attack, but Dalaran wasn’t willing to dedicate any forces in the faction conflict. Vareesa on the other hand has a personal stake in the attack because it involves Sylvanas.

Yeah, it is amusing for you, is it?

Oh no, this was in the end, all about stopping the Alliance from having anything to do with the Alliance High Elves with bias and headcanon.

Thank god Blizzard listened to the feedback of the pro’s instead of all the crying from the Anti’s.

“Why you cater to the Alliance. If they want a High Elf they should be rolling horde. Now they can be alliance Blood Elves. They have stolen from the Horde…” Every single day!


I am saying that the game is dubious due to it having to rely on game mechanics as well, not everything you see in game will be canon, not every quest you see in game will be canon.

I am not saying that big lore moments are not canon, but small mechanics things such as factions are implemented for the mechanical sakes.

Personal agents of Garrosh’ taking advantage of the Sunreavers which would indeed compromise the Sunreavers’ position in the Kirin’tor. That is what is being said, yes. The organisation had nothing to do with it, they were just being used.

Oh yes, it’s very amusing. It must suck knowing that no matter what happens, you’ll always be a tainted void elf.

But you really can’t at the end of the day can you? Which is why you guys are still crying about not having paladin, or being stuck with the name “Void elf” right? Lore is the most important aspect to me than anything, so it tickles me that over the years the helf crowd tried to attack blood elves for being corrupted by the fel, and than end up getting void corrupted elves as their high elves.

It’s pretty funny.

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I doubt they accept high elves, unless… they actually saw the Harod sactuary where there is mention of one beign member of the Scarlet crusade… hmhmh :thinking:

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And the same can be said of your defense. We know the Silver Covenant sent balistas. We know for a fact they are considered “units” and as far as we know the Silver Covenant was part of said assault. As leader of the Silver Covenant she can make decision to participate/not participate forces that follow her to said conflict.

You and Dalrond are making all these speculation claiming this does not count due to one reason or another.

There is nothing magical/automated about balistas. Usually manned ballistas are done in way we end up having to kill the drivers. All balistas are operated but due to laziness/lthe assumption people are smart enough to figure that out they are not rendered. On that note, why bother with manned balistas at all if you could simply automate them?

And I’m saying unless there is a lore specifically stating a contradictory position, ingame lore is as good as book lore. And there is nothing stated in any books about the Silver Covenant not participating/participating in Wintergrasp but we do have game lore stating they did.

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And no matter what happens at the end of the day, you’re still a Blood Elf. You know, the group that stop calling themselves High Elves in order to honor there fallen, who used the Fel to power there city.

Yeah, you’re telling me that? Acting like I care about having access to Void Elf Paladins?

I don’t really care if we have Void Elf in our nameplate. Blizzard has said I can be who I want to be, chose the fantasy I want to play out.

Right, so point out in the Lore where you Anti’s claim that Void Elves are a completely different race.

You know what is pretty funny? Anti’s such as yourself, still come here thinking you have more right over everyone else, acting like you know more than everyone, thinking people aren’t allowed anything because you already have it. Yeah, the bias is so bright, it is blinding me.

But well, can’t expect much more from you Anti’s, because you’ll use something against the pro’s when you agree with it, but as soon as you disagree with something, you all try and twist it around to fit your own narrative.


No we don’t.
For all we know it could just be an NPC placed there for the sake of convenience, and because it was the Silver Covenant enclave it made sense to make it a High Elf.

We know for a fact that High Elves who are near fel sources or use fel magic will have their eyes turned green, The Silver Covenant has a High Elf warlock in their enclave, and they all still have blue eyes, and he still have blue eyes. He is either there for convenience and for the sake of mechanics, or the lore we know that is fact, is not fact.

And yet Blizzard decided to make ALL Wintergrasp battlemaster Silver Covenant in every major city. It was not for convenience sake.

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Clearly it is.

I’m not speculating anything, I’m acknowledging only what I can physically see, and prove exists. Alluding to anything more requires speculation which cannot be backed up and has no place in this conversation.

Vareesa needs permission from the council to move Kirin Tor forces, but she can still act independently if she chooses. Since this battle is personal to her, because it involves her sister it is far more likely that she’s working independently. But that is merely my speculation on why she’s present.

Regardless of why I feel she’s there, in the end she is the only present member, so any argument that requires speculation to back up is of no interest to me at all.

And you’re still a Void elf (previously a Blood elf)

And that doesn’t bother me at all, especially since the city no longer runs on fel and runs off the power of the Sunwell. <3

Or lighting up like a voidy glowstick. lmao

Probably the part where you guys started to grow tentacles and began bleeding grape juice.

Oops, I did I strike a tentacle nerve? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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The Silver Covenant are not Kirin Tor forces. Or more precisely they are an independent force living in Dalaran. Exactly like the Alliance. They can act on their own as long it doesnt outright contradict Dalaran security.

And she was there with Balistas showing that Blizzard wanted a high elven presence for said conflict. Heck, I don’t even recall void elves during said siege but I am not going to assume no void elf participated aside from Alleria.

As the tides of war book states, they can not.

And as Jaina clarified, they can not.

There is not one mention of the Silver Covenant being forbidden by Kirin Tor from acting. The only conversation involving the Kirin Tor/Silver Covenant was Vereesa trying to convince them to act. There is no lore that stated that they wouldn’t help the Alliance in fighting the Horde.

There is the mention of the Kirin’tor not being able to act without the Kirin’tor leadership agreeing to do so - and upon agreeing to act, they agreed to send one of the Sunreavers to Theramore. So the Kirin’tor, all of the Kirin’tor leadership, agreed to send a Horde to defend Theramore from a Horde attack?


I can also be a blood elf who joined the alliance because he can’t stand the stench of horde cities anymore.:blush:


Isn’t that what people used to always argue that the Void Elves were? They were exiled Blood Elves but not -High Elves- which is why people kept clamoring to High Elves as a playable race.

It wasn’t about the fascist notion of having blonde hair and blue eyes. It was about politics, damnit!

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