What class will your high elf be?

Dont worry, he’s still coping with being stuck with void elves.

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It’s sad how hard he’s stuck on it.

That means nothing.
The Sunreavers were listed under the Horde set of reputation.

Guess what… the Kirin’tor still had to vote whether or not to send aid to defend Theramore against the Horde, an action which Aethas was in favor of, but he couldn’t just send his Sunreavers without a ruling from the Kirin’tor leadership, lest he compromised the Kirin’tor’s neutrality.

Actually they were the ones opening portals for the Alliance to go to Wintergrasp. wowpedia.fandom .com/wiki/Arcanist_Braedin wowpedia.fandom .com/wiki/Arcanist_Iramhir

Reinforcements are needed on the Wintergrasp battlefield! I have opened a portal for quick travel to the battle at the Silver Enclave

So again, the Silver Covenant were directly involved in armed disputes between the Alliance and Horde. In fact, a quick check shows ALL the battleground masters for Wintergrasp WERE SILVER COVENANT.


It means the game knows more than an obtuse lore skewer, actually and continues to show as such throughout the game.

It’s not anyone’s fault you can’t connect the dots, it just means you are to be famously ignored :heart:.

I’m sure. What better way to cover your factions war crimes by covering up your involvement in aiding a faction conflict.

Hilarious how even the Horde faction of Dalaran knows who they’re a part of but obtuse players still doubt the SC.


There’s also the Isle of Thunder. Of which there was still quests that focused on Alliance vs Horde. A lot of the Alliance quest givers and NPCs there were Silver Covenant Elves as well. Getting quests to kill Blood Elf forces & plant tactical manabombs on ships.

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This incredulity is mostly unfounded, as Blizzard has almost always utilized the term corruption in the most archaic form (as in infected by or contaminated by).


Dalrond thinks it does not count because it was an operation headed by the Krin Tor and he thinks the Silver Covenant is beholden to them. Wintergrasp is proof that is not the case and they have participated in the faction conflict without any Kirin Tor involvement.


Read our convo.

He goes from “hurr im a high elf and ur mad” then i point out how that his logic makes us high elves as well, and that upset him so much he was willing to backtrack and admit he wasnt a high elf.

If anything its amusing.

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You guys are so hooked on ohhh were the pure ones its sickening. Its all about titles now

A Blood Elf is No more a High Elf then a Ren’dorei that can look like a High Elf now. Its all about titles now. No one has the Title of High Elf

The game has its mechanics, does not mean that a wolf is level 6 in lore.

Aethas was not involved with introducing Horde agents into the Sunreavers. Whilst a post from someone declared that Aethas came to know of the action taken in regards to the bell, he had no knowledge of the Sunreavers being infiltrated by Garrosh’ personal agents.

Aethas was against the Blood Elves in the Horde, which was his initial reason for asking the Blood Elves to help the Kirin’tor against the Blue Dragonflight and as an extension of that, open the city up for the Horde, to draw as many Blood Elves into the Kirin’tor as he possibly could. This desire was manifested more strongly in MoP when Aethas was influenced by sha energies.

I am thus far not the one ignoring any dots here.

Did you miss the part where the Thunder Isles happened AFTER the purge of dalaran where Jaina declared the Kirin’tor to be Alliance? :neutral_face:

You guys are just mad and gas lighting the same old arguments that don’t mean anything anymore to funny.

I’d say the most frequent use of “corruption” revolves negative influences and contamination. Hence why they refer to those infused with light as “purified” and those who’ve been exposed to the fel, or more commonly the void as “corruption”

I mean just look at the “corruption” stuff in bfa, all of it referred to being contaminated with the void. I do think “corrupted” can be used to apply to anything, but more often than not corruption in WoW refers to an individual being influenced by dark magics and forces.

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You’re incredibly wrong. Please stop, you’re only embarrassing yourself.


Lol the idea that we’re closer to high elves really irks you. The cope is even more real.

And right, except culturally and biologically we’re the same as high elves, all worshiping the light and the sunwel, while void elves are full of grape juice and worship a dark force that jeopardizes the blood and high elf’s most precious and cultural location.

Heck when a void elf uses the inner child toy it turns them into a voidwalker. Lmao

And Wintergrasp happened long before that.

And game mechanics can be used to tell stories. As an example, the reason draenei have a gemcutting racial is because nearly every draenei family has a member that knows jewelcrafting.

Similarly, every battlemaster is intrinsically tied to their specific battleground(every Eye of the Storm battlemaster is a draenei for example) which either means the battlemasters themselves participated or they are a sample size of the general participant in said battleground. Which means the Silver Covenant is intrinsically linked to Wintergrasp.


Its simple, Lets see your best High Elf, not Sin’Dorei look.

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A description of a faction is not “mechanics” it’s lore.



He cannot stop, he must cope or else he cant live with the fact that we get to basically play the race he wants more than anything.

The void aspect bothers these guys so much, its super amusing.

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