What class will your high elf be?

Pure blood thing corrupted with light?

Oh boy the delusion in here lmao

The Kirin’tor and thus the Silver Covenant was there as one group.

A neutral operation. There were also Horde banners in that march on Orgrimmar. Saurfang’s gathering of Horde was essentially declared ‘the Horde’ at that very moment, and Sylvanas’ was just a villain group.

Sad people still hang onto the the whole pure elf thing.

Corrupted with the light. Lmaooo

So light is only good and pure?

What’s impure about us? Blood Elves are a name change and nothing more. The High Elves that remained after a majority of their race was killed did so to honor their fallen.

Fel eyes? Sorry, not all the Blood Elves that remained delved into Fel. We all had Fel eyes because blizzard hadn’t made big customizations such as changing eye color at that time.

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not about looks when it comes to High elves in the alliance and horde, its all titles.

The Alliance can “lend aid” to the Kirin Tor as well. That does not make it and the kirin tor as one group.

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Sylvanas was the warchief of the horde, declared as such by the previous warchief, Saurfang was a traitorous run away according to the Horde, the Kirin Tor don’t get to declare her the “villain” in a faction conflict, which is what this war was, Vereesa herself brought the SC to the gates of orgrimmar to fight the Horde lead by Sylvanas.

Saurfang being morally correct does not make him the true horde, that’s not how politics works.

A Blood Elf is No more a High Elf then a Ren’dorei that can look like a High Elf now. Its all about titles now. No one has the Title of High Elf

They can.
But the Silver Covenant is a Kirin’tor faction.

I too remember all the Silver Covenant members in the Alliance in vanilla, before they were introduced along with the Kirin’tor pre-Wrath of the Lich King.

As oppose to Wynn’s Vanguard which was also only added in Wrath? Which the Silver Covenant also happen to belong to. The Silver Covenant can certain choose to add who then want and when they want. Heck, in Ulduar they were absent in what was a completely Kirin Tor effort.

Mayby Blizzard should add a achievement, that both sides can do to get the Quel’dorei title.

The Scarlet Crusade IS recruiting :wink:

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Seems odd that their entire reputation is listed under the Alliance vanguard then and not the Kirin Tor.



Wouldn’t surprise me if there’s ppl trying to say the Wildhammer Dwarf tattoos actually arent there to represent Wildhammers. Rather its for Bronzebeards to LARP as Wildhammers.

There probably already is though tbh. This type of stuff for whatever reason largely only seems to apply to the Alliance on here. Trying to deny them anything they should have.

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Lol according to the devs

The Light is often said to bring about feelings of positive emotion— hope, courage, comfort— and the like. Shadow abilities are just the opposite, able to impart feelings like despair, doubt, and panic. In a poetic sense, it can be said that the emotions which the Light brings about come from the “heart,” whereas the emotions manipulated by shadow are often based on survival logic

Sounds like light good, void bad.

Why is that not how politics work?
Can’t you overturn a political leader in a political party? I am pretty sure you can.

Sylvanas like Garrosh was determined to be a danger to Azeroth, and thus a collaboration of Horde and Alliance forces was created to stop Sylvanas and those who followed her. Vereesa joined this.

And of course, this is all assuming that the Silver Covenant as a force even participated, which it isn’t even clear that they did. Vereesa may well have acted on her own volition due to Sylvanas being her sister.

Yes, the Silver Covenant supported the Alliance in a neutral operation against the scourge.

I feel like I am going in circles here. How many times do I have to explain this?

Reach any further and you’ll fall.

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