What class will your high elf be?

Nope, not ignoring it.

What Sylvanas was at the time, was a danger to Azeroth. Garrosh was also the defacto leader of the Horde at the time that the Alliance and Horde worked together to get rid of him. Whether you like it or not, the march against Sylvanas was a neutral operation.

And so did Aethas Sunreaver.

Sounds like an Alliance-favoring neutral to me.

Exactly my point, you cant tell a blood elf player they’re not a high elf, without conceding that your void elf is also not a high elf.

So in the end you’re still a voided elf and im still a pure light elf :angel:

Actually we can play both on both sides now. The Pure philosophy has nothing to do with
the fact except for ones outlook at races or people.

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So that would make me a pure light high elf and you a corrupted void high elf?

Im okay with that :blush:

Both Are High Elves in Looks, But not in title.

60 Blood Elf Paladin

You’re just talking in circles now. Either way, in the end you’re a corrupted elf, and im a pure one. I’m happy we got the light elves, i couldnt bear playing a gross corrupted elf.

Wow. There’s ppl who are still arguing that the Silver Covenant is a neutral faction?

I remember the days (not too long ago) when there were calls for the Silver Covenant to turn evil and be killed off because of the purge of Dalaran. Yet somehow after feeding Blood Elves to sharks in the sewers and whatnot they’re 100% neutral. Even though the Horde can’t use any of their rewards lol.


They are trying anything now even to saying they are the pure race now haha.


The high elf prince once had a crush on Jaina. They are not wearing human clothes and they live in Alliance lands. If anything their banishment from Silvermoon connects them even more to the original highborne considering they too were banished from their homes. And at this point losing your home is all but a rite of passage for the Alliance.

As for Elisande, she of all people have no right to judge anyone especially considering she turned toward the Legion. Ultimately everything she said was just to try and mess with the people trying to bring her down.

That wasn’t something the Kirin Tor would of been aware of at the time, she had done nothing that wasn’t actively against the Alliance only, it was a by the books faction war that the Silver covenant participated in towards the end, that is not neutrality because it didn’t involve the Kirin tor, it involved the SC who resides in dalaran and does not serve it.

The war against garrosh was the exact same situation, regardless of the morally right side, garrosh was the warchief of the horde at the time, regardless of the horde only consisting of orcs because of him.

Vereesa continues to campaign against the horde.

The Alliance Vanguard is not a neutral force, it’s an Alliance force, it’s in the name, and the Silver Covenant is under it.


Cope harder lol

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Yup think you need to cope more.

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Oooh… riiight.
So Khadgar and the Kirin’tor DID NOT decide what Vereesa could and could not do during the operation in Suramar… got it.

Khadgar reprimanded members of the Silver Covenant.
But not members of the Horde or the Alliance.
Curious how he, as a leader of the Kirin’tor only, can reprimand only the Silver Covenant, but not Alliance or Horde members.

I think my high elf would be a druid.

The only high elves that got exiled were the quel’lithien high elves, who didnt even return to the alliance after their exile, merely isolated themselves at a lodge. Lor’themar himself says high elves and blood elves are all children of silvermoon, and even reaches out to the exiled elves with the hope of bringing them back. The blood elves were part of the majority of high elves who officially left the alliance when the King of the high elves declared it, they represent the opinion and views of the majority of the high elven population. That makes them the truer highborn.

As for elisande, her points are valid about them essentially abandoning their roots in favor of the alliance. Heck, they dont even procreate with other high elves lol

Keeeeep coping with your void elves c:

Very Correct to include the Sin’dore Blood elves that were exiled that became the Ren’dorei

The Silver Covenant arnt Truer High Elves then? This the Pure blood thing again?

Yup just like your blood elves now.

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It’s nothing but laughable obtuseness at this point.

There are unfortunately some players who need blizzard to actively tell them how the lore works or else they doubt every single dot they should of already been connecting.

Yeah sorry, should of phrased that better.

The Silver Covenant lended their aid to the Kirin Tor during the Suramar conflict alongside the blood elves and night elves.

Odd how khadgar actively let the Silver Covenant war against the horde in BFA then if they’re neutral, according to you.

But I guess the Kirin Tor were ready to slaughter horde soldiers all throughout orgrimmar just to get to Sylvanas?

Or it was probably just another alliance force warring against the horde, as Alliance forces do.


Much prefer a pure elf to a void one :slight_smile:

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