What class will your high elf be?

I wouldn’t bother with them honestly, being blatantly obtuse about an obvious Alliance political entity is trollsongs thing along with this other chap apparently, it’s pretty sad that people still refuse to see obvious after all this time.

It’s amazing that they can’t grasp that “existing in the Kirin Tors city” and “being a part of it” are two different things, as if the Kirin Tor doesn’t have an entire literal underground of other affiliations, but nah all those must also serve the Kirin Tor cause they exist in Dalaran.

Silver covenant being literally under the Alliance vanguard rep in Wrath was all the proof anyone ever needed.


No, they are not.
As I have in fact proven already.

I know sorry we can look like them, and play them in the Alliance, and have a better Lore with them then you, Lets see your Best looking Silver Covent example as a horde player if they are so Neutral. This whole neutral thing is just another straw man.


A straw man of what, exactly?
Saying that the Silver Covenant is not an Alliance faction is not the same as saying that High Elves are not in the Alliance at all.

I already mentioned groups of High Elves who are and could potentially be in the Alliance right now.

The Silver Covenant, however, is a neutral faction under the Kirin’tor leadership who favors the Alliance. As a neutral faction they can take to liking or disliking one faction over the other, but they can not commit forces to support one faction against the other without permission from the Kirin’tor leadership.

It is not a hard concept to understand.

You can check it out if you wish, I was there when it occurred, and saw the Ballista for myself. There were no NPCs anywhere to be seen.

I mean, if we’re gonna go that route, I know that my elf is a pure, thalassian High elf, and yours will always be a corrupted, tainted elf. My elf shares the Sunwell with the High elves, and can utilize the light without exploding, yours lights up like a void glowstick. You would never catch me playing a gross voided out elf a day in my life.

Praise the light, my friend. :innocent:

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That Doesn’t go by the name High Elf anymore, and changed their name to Sin’dorei yet you still try to claim the title. The game and Lore recognizes this fact, you should also.

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Now the cat is out of the bag thanks to Cezol.
I am sorry Dalrond, play time is over. This was the endgame. Operation Stormshield is what I referred to.

If this is actually true then I owe you an apology.

Operation Stormshield, yeees… that operation where the Alliance is introduced to the Purge of Dalaran quest in which Jaina took leadership of the Kirin’tor and declared the Kirin’tor an Alliance faction and only then did the Silver Covenant act against the Horde.

So… how exactly am I wrong?


Dude… come on… my profession, my day job is bricklaying, surely you can do better?

That would be Game scale:

Stormwind in movies

Stormwind in game

I guess that means your void elf isn’t a High elf either then right? There’s no examples of any Void elves calling themselves High elves after all. The irony in damning your own argument. lol

It is true, and it’s fine. I just remember this being brought up when the event was still happening and a big point of contention was the fact that there were no Silver Covenant NPCs.

The Ren’dorei is a mutated Sin’dorei that was exiled that joined the Alliance. Thats different then a Alliance High Elf Allied with the and already in the Alliance.

Silver Covenant is an Alliance reputation. The tabard is Alliance-only. The High Elf mount is Alliance-only. They are not neutral, otherwise you could use them on our faction.

Or do you believe you can be the new single Horde Tauren with an Alliance tabard in the game?

I’ll check out some videos later again and how the story ends. Unfortunately I’m absolutely not in the mood to replay the fourth war conclusion, otherwise I would have brought out my own pictures.


So you got absolutely nothing.

Yes, but you didn’t get a High elf allied race, you got “Void elves” with High elf customizations, just as the Blood elves also got High elf customizations. So if your argument is that I’m a Sin’dorei, than that same argument says you’re a Ren’dorei, no matter how you dress up.

The door goes both ways buddy.

So we’re just actively ignoring the BFA conflict that actively involved the Silver Covenant on the Alliance side of orgrimmar vs the Horde?

And before you even remotely point at neutrality because of Sylvanas, Sylvanas was not a “big bad” at the time, she was the defacto warchief of the Horde, the conflict was the Alliance and Horde traitors vs The Horde, it was a faction conflict that the Silver Covenant and their leader actively took part in for the Alliance’s side, Vereesa actively campaigns against the horde and even wishes of returning Silvermoon to the Alliance, that doesn’t sound very neutral to me.


The Ren’dorei was brought into the picture by the Ds, The Alliance never asked for Ren’dorei,
they had nothing to do with them all these years then Ds dump them on the Alliance, The Silver Covenant and High Elves In the Alliance have Always been there, that why the Ren’dorei never was never satisfying or good enough for the Alliance High Elfs Fans, For us its not about the model bout in game experience and lore. Unlike the Horde , mine, mine, mine attitude.


So, where where the Silver Covenant NPCs?

Also, where were they the entirety of the expansion? Why did they only show up at the very end when the Horde and Alliance began fighting together? Like if they were loyal Alliance soldiers, shouldn’t they have been present throughout BFA like Alleria and her void elves? And yet, even when the Alliance were recruiting farmers we STILL didnt see them.

Alliance always had the Silver Covenant on its side, I believe you guys had the Sun Reavers. Both Factions can look both parts.

Except you’re still Void elves using High elf customizations, nothing in the lore states that Void elves call themselves High elves, even if you utilize the customization. In the end you’re a Ren’dorei wearing a Silver Covenant tabard, not a High elf. Your tag says Void elf, your racials say Void elf, and your heritage armor is void elven.

You’re essentially arguing with yourself.

Just like your a Sin’dorei/ Blood Elf not a High Elf. This what happened when you use player knowledge for in game stuff,