What class will your high elf be?

The Silver Covenant are still not Alliance. They support the Alliance in neutral operations, but they are a branch of the Kirin’tor.

They were also first introduced in WOTLK, and the ones introduced in TBC in Outland had no idea what had gone on on Azeroth.

Most High Elves during vanilla were hostile to the Alliance.


I believe the original purpose of alliance high elves was to create an analog for the alliance to experience the blood elf story, which is why they were made neutral, and were said to be too sparse to constitute a playable race.

They should have just reunified the blood elves and high elves after the restoration of the Sunwell, and put an end to the whole debacle. Which i always felt was the direction they were originally intending when they had auric and the high elves join the blood elves at the well, essentially calling for reunification in their dialogue. Blood elves were created to inherit the fate, and story of the high elves, unfortunately naming them blood elves and calling the alliance elves “high elves” causes much confusion.

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Interesting you throw neutral in there, should be every operation, and expansion even in BFA.

Its not like they were snuck in as a secret act of protest. How could they be? They are there intentionally, of course. They represent an interesting story point, its just not one that people want to acknowledge. They’re the representation of what the wealthy do when disaster comes to their people. Oh our people suffer and starve? What lowly, despicable cowards they are. I’ll just sustain myself on my magic jewels because I’m better than they are. Etc.

More like something to keep fighting for

High Elves =/= Silver Covenant.

Those who call themselves High Elves are a divided people. With the largest military sect being the Silver Covenant who are a branch of the Kirin’tor.

The Quel’danil High Elves are not of the Silver Covenant, but are fully Alliance, but they swore off all magic.

Then we have the small number of High Elves who was maybe, maybe not evacuated from Theramore, and some who lived in Stormwind.

The ones who came from Allerian Stronghold either went to Stormwind or to the Covenant, following their pilgrimage to the Sunwell, some may have joined the Blood Elves.

Yes, the Alliance has a small number of High Elves with them.

But the Silver Covenant itself is a neutral faction working as a sub-branch of the Kirin’tor. And thus, they only aid the Alliance in neutral operations, except during the period of time when Jaina declared herself the sole leader of the Kirin’tor without at all being opposed to the other Kirin’tor council members, and Jaina declared the Kirin’tor to be Alliance. Which was brushed over when Khadgar joined the council.

Holy crap… whenever the female characters in World of Warcraft are involved, the lore parts just go down the crapper it seems. Blizzard is terrible.

If so neutral according to you, why don’t the Silver Covenant Help the Hoard as much as the Alliance, LOL neutral operations really?

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“helping” does not constitute to joining, by this logic the High elf privateers led by Thalo’thas Brightsun who assist the Horde in killing the Alliance are now Horde as well.

Truth is Highs Elves not the Sin’dorei, dont have the luxury of Player knowledge in the lore, The Horde to include your Sin’dorei kill High Elves every chance they get they would never join the Horde, the Silver Covenant knows this, thats why they never support the horde unless its a family/clan thing.

Help the Horde with what?
The Kirin’tor have helped the Horde as much as they helped the Alliance.
Didn’t the Kirin’tor provide sanctuary for both Horde and Alliance members during the scourge campaign?
Where specifically did the Silver Hand help the Alliance in a non-neutral campaign?

Exactly, none.

As is demonstrated in the book ‘Tides of War’ the Sunreavers and the Silver Covenant need to get permission from the Kirin’tor leading council to act.

So let me pose you a question. If the Silver Covenant was not neutral… why didn’t they go ahead and helped in the defense of Theramore?

Why did they stand by for the council to vote yes or no, and then the council decided to send a Sunreaver to help Theramore defenses?

The only time the Silver Covenant helped the Alliance in a non-neutral operation, was when Jaina declared the Kirin’tor Alliance.

What about the High elves that helped the alliance in BFA, Before we knew the Banshee queen used the horde as tool. The Neutral Theory don’t work like every other excuse made up.

The Blood Elves does not kill High Elves.
They go to great lengths to avoid killing any High Elves.

The opposite can not be said though.

Question. Can you separate the beard options on the ptr? I don’t have access to the Void Elves as an European player.

What about the tabard?

Already clarified

Theramore, and anywhere the High Elvbes hold a post/portals/flightpaths in the Alliance territories.

The tabard?

Yes. What about the tabard then if they are neutral?


Yeah, great, you post a picture of a player character in the PTR.

Yup, coming to the game soon, Thats the Silver Covenant tabard by the way, Horde cant get.

For any doubt, side by side with a NPC.