What class will your high elf be?

No, they can’t. Do you not see what happens when you remove the Blindfold from a demon hunter? And “helf” customizations for Void elves are not canon. (At least, not yet.)

Oh, now we want to acknowledge the difference between lore and gameplay?

If we are going to acknowledge it we both have to so I have to pull you up on it.

And this right here is the crux of all the discussion.

It’s a safe bet that it is canon as alleria operates the same way. I would concede that it was 100% fan service alone if alleria was blue skinned like umbric.

Well, there’s nothing to suggest that them keeping their racials is a “gameplay” mechanic.

Except Alleria doesn’t operate the same way? Not only was the way she was changed different, but even her void form is different. There’s no canonical example of any Void elf using the helf customizations, or that they’re even recruiting. Void elves got the RP tools to look like a High elf, which is awesome, but again, it’s not canon to the game.

Operate as in, able to change between void form and normal skin/hair. Void elf PC isnt as powerful as alleria and can only use their void form (entropic embrace) sporadically where with alleria it appears she can do this at will.

It’s all conjecture either way, let’s say fel-blood elves survived and were recruited into the horde, and received the demon hunter race instead of blood elves- they would absolutely have their own racial.

Is this argument about what playable race someone is? Playable race isn’t always biological distinction. They’re specific groups with defined heritage/cultural associations and governing. The Forsaken aren’t just undead, they’re a specific societal group of Lorederon. The playable “humans” aren’t just humans, they’re people of Stormwind. The lightforged draenei aren’t just draenei, they’re a specific subset of draenei that share different culture and leadership.

The “High Elf” culture and leadership is represented by the Blood Elves. Although they were once something else, The Void Elves have their own leadership a shared cultural experience and are their own thing.

The “High Elves” not associated with Quel’thalas are also their own thing, they just use the name, which is confusing but intentional. This is similar to reading a story about 50 dudes on a West Virginia mountain who say that their commune represents the “REAL United States of America”.


She was changed in a completely different way, whereas Alleria absorbed a Dark Naaru in a controlled environment, Void elves were being stripped of their flesh in a ritual to turn them into ethereals. While both these instances resulted in Alleria, and the Void elves gaining access to their void powers, how they gained them plays a large role in the differences between them.

Alleria’s void form also looks visually distinct from the void form Void elves use, which suggest that it does not operate the same either, especially when we consider the fact that she can exclusively use it at will. The fact that she appears to have normal skin, and hair is also notable, but not as important as the former points.

I suspect in the future (hopefully) they add some narrative to explain the “helf” customizations. Perhaps new recruits are not mutated to the same intensity as the original Void elves, but until then we cannot know what vision Blizzard has for the void elves beyond what we already know. Which is that they’ve been irreversibly mutated on a biological level by the ritual.

Fel Blood weren’t created in the same way Demon Hunters are though. Demon hunters are fused with the soul of a demon, which corrupts their bodies and mutates them to look like a demon, whereas a Fel blood elf has absorbed so much fel energy that they’ve essentially become demons in the process.

Fel bloods are essentially embracing their transformation, where as I believe Demon hunters still wish to maintain some idea of their mortal selves with the use of runes.

I was correct on one thing.

The High Elf on Alliance fantasy would only be fufilled once World of Warcraft faced a very, very damaging time. I imagine there is a chance to play High Elf on Alliance for another… mmmh, 14-17 months.

Like, you think they’ll add High elf as their own race into the game? (or the name toggle)

Nah, just the overall customization options.

Honestly, I hope it stops and that the next wave of Void elf customizations focuses more on the “Void” aspect, and less on washing them of their main theme. I think the “helf” demands have already been catered to enough.

It’s unfortunate because it’s clear they were against implementing any of this, but these controversies sort of forced them to break the emergency glass and give in on almost everything. We’re even seeing the Mage tower returning, despite them ignoring players requests for it to return for years.


Just imagine if a company supplied the customer with what they asked for instead of alternatives, would of been settled along time ago.


They listened to both sides, the void elves were designed as a compromise.

What race will your high elf be?

I see you leveled your voidling

My hypothesis is just that these options comes as a way to retain people’s attention for long enough to draw as much money out of subscribers as possible before everything goes to absolutely crap.

The problem came when blizzard awknowledged that High Elves not in the form of Blood Elves, still existed and were still loyal to the Alliance despite all. Blizzard should have given an absolute ‘no’ to begin with early on, either through interview of through the story.

Now what they are doing instead, is ruining two races. But if I am correct it doesn’t really matter much longer.

My Velf is a mage, and is sitting untouched until i can make her a Helf.

I had to. I was bad because I wasn’t 60.

They could have took a neutral route and supplied the Alliance Playable High Elves still loyal to the Alliance, just changed their costumes, outfits and hairstyles, but they too a biased toxic approach to it.


No, a ‘no’ should have been it.
High Elves shouldn’t have been allied with the Alliance in the first place, it just does not make any sense.

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I also feel the Silver Covenant and other High Elf Factions still around and in the lore with the alliance was left there intentionally by the Devs who agreed that High Elves should be playable by the Alliance.