What class will your high elf be?

Right, a curse which affects them physically and completely changes their biology

It’s still a magical change, and not a purely biological one.

My exact same stance on blood elf demon hunters

Except Demon Hunters cannot switch forms like worgen. Their base self is irreversibly mutated. While Worgen have a cursed form, they can also revert to their human selves.

Demon hunters however cannot. They bleed demon blood, their bodies irreversibly, and permanently mutated.

… Yes?

They’re just dead people.

Like I said, up to an extent, and that they still shapeshift into a complete demon and then back to their base form

/10 characters

Which is irrelevant when their base form itself is still mutated lmao


This doesn’t change what I’ve said at all?

So a forsaken’s base form is irreversibly altered, they’re their own race right?

They’re raised with… what is that word again? Oh, that’s right, magic.

So they’re their own race right, as that’s their base form that won’t ever change?

I didn’t say “own” race, I said they’re more than their base race. A forsaken human is just that, an undead Human.

But they’re irreversibly changed from what they used to be like? A blood elf demon hunter seems to be a lot closer to a blood elf hunter than a forsaken does to a human

Making them a Demon Blood elf, just as being risen into undeath would make whichever individual more than their base race. A undead dwarf, or an undead Human.

It doesn’t mean they’re no longer human, they’re just also undead. A race’s biology isn’t changed when they’re risen into undead, it’s magic that’s animating them.

So blood elf demon hunters and void elves are the same, but one is a class and one is a race?

Yes, which is why their customization options are limited. They cannot look like a “pure” thalassian elf, because they’re not one. They’re biologically mutated.

and a big difference would be that a demon hunter’s racial isn’t changed, while a Void elf’s is.

But both can, aside for demon hunter with just the eyes. Also a lot of this back and forth is a result of poor communication, are you using the term race/ethnicity interchangeably here?

Also demon hunter’s racial ability is not different due to gameplay balance, not lore.