What class will your high elf be?

So… someone wants to “roleplay” a high elf, but they don’t want to play within the rules. As the formula posted above shows, there were between 148k - 200k high elves before the Third War. Counting Blood Elves there is 10% of that population left after the Third War.

Yet if we look at the race distribution in WoW as of Dec 2019 Blood Elves and Void Elves make up a combined 18.1% of the player base. So somehow there are more High Elf based elves on Azeroth than humans (14.4%) and nearly three times as many orcs (6.9%).

So, never mind the fact that they are nearly an extinct race socially, culturally, and numerically from a lore perspective, because oh muh gawd muh rp?

How about instead, Blizzard says “No, you can’t rp a race that is culturally, socially, and numerically dead!”

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Sorry for so many one-on-one responses, by the way. I’m working my way down the thread and didn’t realise I’d get so involved.

Vinarassi, it’s called ‘making do with what you’re given’. If they ever relent and make a playable class, I’ll race-change, of course. I would have done the same with my Bronzebeard Dwarf, one of my oldest characters, except all they provided for Wildhammer is a bunch of cosmetics instead. ‘Making do.’

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How many Orcs made it through the Dark Portal? How many Mag’har were brought from Draenor? How many Darkspear and Goblins were left alive after the Cataclysm? How many Gilneans likewise, with the additional depredations of the Worgen curse?

With this argument, the only races allowable should probably be Suramarians, Kul Tirans, Dwarves amd Zandalari. I’m really not sure any of the rest had survivable populations after disasters and wars.


We genocided the zandalari actually.

You’re not wrong. The moral of the story: stop adding races that violate lore. Eventually the lore will break as the cascade effect of caving in to Rule of Cool. And if you think lore isn’t important you’re wrong.

Whether a player pays attention to no lore at all while they raid, the game itself is still designed and developed around lore. When that lore becomes so discombobulated that it cannot be developed properly then you end up with a simple lobby game instead of an mmo.


Lore is already far broken. The writers obsession with Sylvanas killed it a long time ago.


And some people are stubborn bullies disguised as elves in an epic-fantasy RP game.

You’ve made your ‘point’ until we’re all bleeding from the jabs, Myrklan.


Sure. Start with void elves and see how much praise that’ll get you beyond the few hardcore anti’s


If they ever make them properly playable, they’ll do like they’ve done before - a previously unknown (and suspiciously fertile) population hidden away from the rest of the world who’ve decided to join up with the Outside again. Perhaps some little island, since the Sundering left so many of them.

I mean, if a giant turtle is big enough for a player population, some out-of-shipping-lane nook only Quel’Danil Lodge knew about would make equal sense.

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It doesn’t matter because we are player characters. I could also play another survivor of the Burning Blade and it wouldn’t be a problem.

Well i dont know if i shall call myself a high elf but i will be having blonde hair and essentially look like legolas but more handsome hehe

If Blizzard does that, we’d have to delete all races except Humans/Kul Tirans, Dwarves, Pandaren and Tauren. Maybe Goblins.

The rest of the races were on the brink of extinction at some point.


Don’t forget darkspear trolls who are a single tribe that nearly got wiped out by naga, and fled their island home on 3 ships (shared by majority orcs)

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Yep, that’s why I included them in the “rest of the races” :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Ah, i didnt read that part my bad - but I guess it’s good for me to spell it out because their numbers were literally less than 50, possibly 20 individuals in the RTS

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High class

Honestly at this point, with how long this ridiculous back and forth between factions has gone on, I’m of the mind that enough is enough. Just do things the same as Pandaren and make aesthetics for both races shared by Alliance AND Horde, and give them all class choices of both races (including Paladins as much as the idea repulses me) and then permit players to just pick their racial same way as I dunno, the Zanda racial.

Just set up a scenario where at the character creation, you infuse yourself with either the Sunwell or the Void and it locks you into those racials for good.Paladins being what they are would default locked to Arcane Torrent because of lore, etc.

Existing Void and Blood Elves would get a one time choice / racial respec.

If you pick the Void Elf racial, your a Void Elf. If you pick the Blood Elf racial, your a Blood Elf when Horde, and High Elf when Alliance. There you go. Problem solved once and for all.

Just make some lore reason such as “Void Elves are not allowed into the Sunwell”, and leave it at that. It’s not like the raid where you see it is canonical for the Void Elves.

I don’t even play Elves. I’m just sick of this back and forth again and again.

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The arguments here are pretty silly. I’m honestly hoping the new hair colors and such help alliance population grow a bit. My Blood Elf is a ranger of course, Farstriders for life.

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By that logic there should be like 25 void elves

I’m a mage. I don’t care if you call me a void elf, high elf, or half-elf (I rp as a half-elf though!). All that matters to me is that in 9.1.5 I’ll have black hair!

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