What class will your high elf be?

Got me there, trying to drop some wisdom on someone that doesn’t wanna accept written facts is a loss cause.

If you can’t understand the basic concept that “High Elf” is a racial name, just as we have Dwarves & Trolls, then you don’t care enough about the game to have an opinion worth caring about.

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Sorry I think people are getting a bit too upset and I have way better stuff to do than witness all this copium :joy:

All the best, guys. Enjoy playing your high elves with void elf racials!

The devs say it, the game itself says it. You don’t gotta believe me.

But trying to argue against the final arbiters means you’re the one not accepting reality of the game


Thanks I will enjoy my high elf mage :slight_smile: I’m not a little kid who gets upset by what people play


Fortunately, me neither!

I’m not upset at all. I’m very happy people are able to play the race they want to play :smiley:

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People are having to cope simply by what people are saying they’re gonna play. Quite hilarious


On wyrmrest and moon guard I saw people…you won’t believe it. Don’t read if easily angered

People rping as dragons


yus always

Dragon Allied Race next! :rofl:

It doesn’t. Alliance high elves exist and have existed since the conception of the game.


Bard. Oh wait. Tinkerer? Nope

I will make High Elf hunter when 9.1.5 launched.

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Since I will never make a bland elf instead I may make a Void Elf with the Void into a glorious hunter of the Void.

Old Gods what I would have given for Necromancer…

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We’re called Umbral Rangers in the Telogrus Rift.



That’s a forum only class


Hunter Survivor rp as Ranger

Don’t remind me. T_T

I already made a hunter but couldn’t bring myself to play him because of the hair issue. Now he can have the correct colored hair so I’ll probably level him up.

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Air traffic controller