What class will your high elf be?

But they’re totally not coping, because they said so and apparently their word is law :rofl:

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Stop saying copium, that “word” is [redacted].

I’m not too concerned with genetics. I’m simply saying when I select a race, it’s a blood elf. I’m a blood elf on the horde side with blood elf racials.

You also understand you’ve presented a self-defeating argument.

Blood elves are considered a race just as void elves are considered a race, each with their own unique set of racials.

If void elves are high elves, why do they have different racials than blood elves who are also high elves? Surely if they were the same race, they’d have the same racials. Whoooops

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Blood elves and Void Elves are the race high elf. Like Dark Iron and Wildhammer are the race dwarf.

Most people don’t get that tho for some reason.

It’s why VE and BE can speak Thalassian to each other.

Like I said. It doesn’t bother me nor does it affect me. I’ll go with what I see in game and take it at face value. If I were playing a high elf, I’d see the race available on the character creation screen, and it would have its own racials.

A developer saying you’re playing a race that isn’t available to select is pandering. They’re effectively saying “we’re not going to put in the time and effort to introduce this as a playable race. Rather, we’re going to piggyback off previous efforts and add a bit of customization options so the fans can tell themselves they’re playing a different race.”

There’s saying something and then there’s implementing it.

Whatever you want to believe is your call!

“Eredar” is the name of their race and encompasses Draenei, Broken, Lost Ones, & Man’ari. It’s the equivalent of Darkspear, Amani Sandfury, and Zanadalari falling under the race of Troll.

You’re wrong, but lets use your logic anyways. According to you, they dropped the racial name Eredar for Draenei (so Eredar=Draenei).

So using “Draenei” as the race name, according to your logic Lightforged Draenei are not genetically Draenei?

Additionally, are you also saying then that Turalyon is not a human?

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And you can be wildhammer dwarves and sandfury trolls through cosmetics. All the antis yet able to counter this so try the lawyer approach by talking about something else. Doesn’t work on me. And they said that’s how they made them playable lol, at least for rpers

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By that logic, “elf” is the base race, not “high elf”.

“High elf” is simply an upper echelon of the night elf race.

If you can’t accept that the devs are constrained by their time, resources, and game engine then that’s pretty much coping.

In reality for instance the people asking for San’layn would have it as it’s own separate race but many are asking for it to be added to Blood Elf customizations.

That’s accepting the reality of the game/dev situation and limitations.

Expecting “if the devs wanted you to play so and so race it would be a completely separate option” is idealistic and thus you’re coping for someone who keeps saying they’re not.

High Elf is the base race because there’s different kinds of “Elf” races. A night elf is a different “Elf” than a high elf.

Your argument would mean the Night Elves, Nightborne, and High elves are all the same race.

Here let me make it easier for you to understand the nuances: if the races can speak the same language they’re the same race.

You’re not gonna see Nightborne and Night Elves speaking the same language because their morphology changed. Just like High elf morphology changed from Night Elves and even further back Night Elf morphology changed from Trolls.

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Your Demon Hunter is a High Elf, if you don’t like that then go cry to Ion.

Explain exactly how I’m coping.

My opinion is mirrored by the game I play. The mechanics match my opinion.

If I’m a blood elf with additional customization, I’m a blood elf with additional customization.

There is no coping there. It’s simply my opinion matching the reality of the game.

When you play one race and tell yourself you’re another race because you died your hair and a developer said so, that sounds like coping to me.

If you want to tell yourself you’re a high elf and not a void elf, all power to you. But you’re playing with void elf racials, and I’m playing with blood elf racials :smiley:

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No matter the argument either way, the changes are coming the Alliance will be able to roleplay their needs hopefully the Ds will follow through and make a complete end to this whole debate.

Character creation screen and racial tool tips say otherwise :smiley:

No reason to cry. Wouldn’t bother me either way. Between the two of us, you clearly care far more about this than I do :joy:

You are ignoring tauren paladins in lore are sunwalkers. And blood elf are blood knights not paladins

So doesn’t matter what it says ingame

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You can’t say night elf and high elf are different and then argue that void elf and blood elf aren’t different.

Like, come on.

Void elves are infused with the void. They’re no longer high elves in the opinions of many high elves. Their own brethren have turned on them.
They’ve taken on new abilities to the point blizzard themselves made a decision to categorize them as their own unique race.

They still unable to counter this. Still waiting

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I feel if the Ds approach this honestly and unbiased for both sides there can be a good ending to this self inflicted toxicity that has plagued the community over the many many years. I was one of the worse toxic people on this debate for such a long time. But finally realized no one minds will be changed either way until action by the Ds happens.

My High Elves are DK, Pally, Mage and Demon Hunter. #highelveswenthorde


You’re coping because of this right here and not taking into account what the developers, the figures that are the final authority are saying.

If you want to ignore that nuance and keep floundering about saying “I take game as is and that’s all I do” then like I said look into the game language and the same races can speak the same languages to each other, for High Elves that’s Thalassian, for Night Elves Darnassian, and Nightborne Shalarassian or something like that.

If you’re only trying to go by game standards even the game is against what you’re saying, hence you’re coping.