What class will your high elf be?

That was always the saddest part about all of this, most forum goers, especially horde players, never really understood that it was never about the “race” and about the political group that refers to itself and is recognized by the games lore as high elf.


That’s what shattering throw is for.

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Are blizzard introducing high elves as a playable race?

I hadn’t heard anything about that yet

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All their cosmetics. So all high elf but in name

The same way they introduced Wildhammer Dwarves and Sand Trolls, through customization options


Oh, so not high elf.

Void elf with customization.

Got it!


Ignorance is bliss.

Void elves literally are no longer blood elves nor high elves. You seem to refuse to acknowledge this fact. One does not remain themselves once the void is forced upon your being.


Explain to me, genetically, what a Blood Elf is.

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Still pretty much high elves. Cope more

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They are genetically not a void elf that is for sure LMAO

High and blood elves are the same race sure, void elves are not.

In what world am I the one coping lmfao

“I’m a high elf not a void elf inhales copium. Even though I have void elf racials and the character creation screen says void elf I’m a high elf inhales more copium


I like the trolls always ignore this part

So are Lightforged Draenei no longer Eredar?


You mean the part where the blood elves in the unlock scenaro was forcably transformed into void beings?

Or the part where people is misusing a dev qoute?

ignores everything in the quote


Ion literally stood on stage at Blizzcon and announced “now you can play a Wildhammer Dwarf” relating to the fact that their customizations are available through Dwarves.

Ely Cannon called these customizations given to Blood elves and Void elves as “High Elf customizations.

So it’s cope if you can’t accept this is how the devs see these options as making these races finally playable.


Oh, doesn’t bother me at all. I have no reason to “cope”, lol.

Reality is when I created this demon hunter, I selected the blood elf race and I have blood elf racials.

You, too, will create a void elf with void elf racials. The class you play will be beholden to the limitations of the void elf race.

But, hey, I guess if your hair is dyed blonde, you’re a high elf! inhales copium

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This is ironic considering you’re playing one. High Elves have been playable since TBC under the name of Blood Elves to honor their fallen. Them adding Blood to their name doesn’t change their genetics.

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Ah, the misuse of a the qoute that said they where NOT RECRUITING right? gotcha.

Ah, so you don’t even know dreanei lore either huh?

Draenei forsoke the name eradar, while the name is still referenced as members of the race became literal demons. The lightforged had also forsoke the name, so yes they are not eradar. The race in quistion had been renamed dreanei.

Also the lightforged did not eat the fel, they took part of a ritual that removed the darkness inside of themselves and became beings of light, they are not dreanei in the same sense that void elves are not blood elves.

I guess if you can’t accept what the devs say it must mean you’re right and they’re wrong inhale more copium despite hundreds of fans clapping on stage inhale more copium please

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