What class will your high elf be?

The reason why the Alliance sent spies was because they were using dangerous and volatile magic that could endanger the world. Ultimately the Alliance was right considering we find out later their prince was working with the Legion. also the Alliance was not sabotaging the Sanctums, apperently they were overloading because the BE were putting too much pressure on them.

Funny coming from the elves who were all so willing to drink from and use demonic magic to sate their thirst. The irony should not be lost that the blood elves have the gall now to care about forbidden magic when it was all so willing to use it when it was convenient for them.


Species maybe, people not. As species they were trolls. And Night elves. And High Elves. And Blood Elves. And Void Elves. As peoples, they chose different paths and they are represented in different ways in game.

The High Elves , or Quel’Dorei, do , in fact, exist . They are a relatively small people which didn’t become Sin’Dorei or suffered any other like change. They exist. They are there. You can see them, you can interact with them…but you can’t play them.

There are other peoples with extremely different circunstances, in many senses such as political standing, values and ideas, geography, use of different battle arts (known as classes), loyalties, history and even fisiological.

These people may belong to the same “species”…to some extent…I personally am no expert toto draw the line on evolution, as I dont consider a Dark Troll to be the same as a Ren’Dorei, but , lets asume they are indeed the same species… they are still not the same people. Some of these people, with all the mentioned differences and more, happen to be playable. For example the Sin’Dorei and Ren’Dorei.

Saying that Hig Elves are playable is denying the existance of actual High Elves.

Sir, if you continue your discriminatory speech against a (if the not the most) valuable ally of yours, we’ll have to report your derogatory attitude to High Priestess Tyrande Whisperwind.

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Nah, that was not the reason they sent spies. They wanted to see what could potentially happen with the Arcane Sanctums, and yes, they are dangerous if they get into overdrive.

Or if saboteured by Night Elves.

And they found out about this at the same time as the Blood Elves found out about it, and guess what, the Blood Elves’ immediate response was: “Oh crap… well, f him then, but rest assured, we’ll clean up after ourselves” and they straight turned on him.

Yes, the Blood Elves initially thought it was the overloading that was the problem, that was until they found Night Elves near the “malfunctioning” Arcane Sanctum, with notes written in dwarven, talking about how he would like to observe the results of a malfunctioning Arcane Sanctum - hmm… how very convenient that an Arcane Sanctum just so happened to malfunction, while an dwarven spy who wanted that to happen, were nearby.

Convenient indeed, isn’t it?

THey didn’t, that is a misconception still ongoing I see. The Fel Crystals were there to keep the magical enchantments in Quel’thalas intact, to keep the building floating, the brooms going, etc. The Blood Elves got by with arcane crystals, the magical residue picked up by the Arcane Sanctums (Which is why they were so important) and through their new mana-siphoning ability.

Blood Elves did not drink fel, that is a failure to understand what exactly happened. That said, siphoning mana from living beings is still rather brutal. And an ability the Blood Elves still know - so they are still very dangerous for spellcasters.


Okay, jokes aside now.

I completely get what you mean, and I understand it. We do have however some of those Quel’Dorei joining the Void Elves in Telogrus Rift, so they are the same people, at least partially.

After the release of Void Elves (and especially after the High Elf customizations for both Blood and Void Elves), we’ve got to admit that the High Elf Allied Race is a dream that won’t come to fruition. Blizzard won’t release an Allied Race that is 99% identical to two playable races, and lorewise is 80% identical to Blood Elves. They’re not going to do that, from a money perspective it’s a waste of resources and time, when they could develop something new and different that would catch most players’ attention.

We could argue that Blizzard could’ve released High Elves and give them Void options to make them different from Blood Elves. Sure, there are many ways where this could’ve worked better. But they took a different route, and there’s that.

You can push for further High Elf customizations for Void Elves, and even ask for a racial tag toggle (I’d love it, not just for High Elves, but also for Wildhammer Dwarves, Trolls, etc.). That’s something I could see Blizzard doing. But definitely not an independent (allied) race for (exiled) High Elves.


Actually, the saying that Blood Elves are High Elves is true in every bit of sense.

The Blood Elves are culturally High Elves, the Blood Elves are physically High Elves, the Blood Elves live and thrive on High Elven soil, and in High Elven cities and High Elven villages.

The Blood Elves are High Elves in everything but name.

The High Elves are not High Elves anymore though. They are humans with pointy ears. They are High Elves only in name.


It’s about time that dimwit, Caidanis, sent someone this way.

I warned of the dangers of increasing the load on the West Sanctum! Now one of our energy converters is destroyed and arcane wraiths are pouring out of the sanctum!

I’m going to need you to take care of these creatures before we send anyone in for repairs. Make haste!

Actually they were all so willing to use whatever dangerous at highly unethical things their prince taught them(like draining magic from a Naaru) and only decided to change their tune when it was apperently he was going to sacrifice them all to the Burning Legion.

Could night elf saboteurs be behind this? I doubt it. With the load we’ve been putting on the West sanctum it was only a matter of time until something went wrong.

He found a scapegoat in the dwarven spy. There was nothing that directly tied them to it. In fact, it would go against the very reason they were there, to prevent a magical catastrophe from happening.

Once a respected captain of Kael’Thas Sunstrider’s personal guard, Selin Fireheart has maintained an unswervingly fierce loyalty to his lord while losing his sanity. Selin has been seduced by the demonic energies of the crystals which surround his chamber, and cannot stop from reveling in their vile power. He will slay any who dare approach the Magister’s Terrace and will drink the magic, life, and blood from their dead bodies.

and im a proud void elf thats going to have purple eyes light skin and black hair


While it’s true they shared most of the past history. Allow me to say, however, since the Second War the differences were huge enough to spawn a rift worth of historic breakpoint. The different paths they both experenced since are almost opposite.

Personally I’d love to see all the four “classic” races. Quel’Dorei, Wildhammer clan, Amani Trolls and Ogres…uhh Stone…something? I cant remember their clan) as playable races…I also know it’s not going to happen.

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I am aware of the quests.
I have done the Eversong Woods quests several times.

As I said, the initial thought was that it was the increased load on the sanctum which destroyed it, but new evidence pointed to another reason.

Are you sure you found these on a night elf? They’re clearly written in Dwarven…

From what I can understand of this letter, whoever wrote this did not cause the malfunction, but rather was sent here as a spy to observe the results of it. They call our endeavors reckless and dangerous… but who?

Of course! That envoy from Ironforge! We were fools to trust anyone belonging to the Alliance!

And surely you remember who you found those documents on, it says in the quest text. Night Elves, who just happen to stand nearby the malfunctioning sanctum.

And before you confuse yourself and hit your head - the one who wrote this did not cause the malfunction, the one who wrote that was a dwarf, the spy the observer did not cause the malfunction, the Night Elves did because the observer wanted to observe the results of a malfunctioning Sanctum.

Yup, they were willing to drain mana from living beings and from a naaru - well, the naaru thing was premeditated by Velen and the Naaru themselves, it was all in accordance with their plan.

Their tune changed when they realised that he worked for the Legion. The Blood Elves were willing to do a lot in order to survive, but they were not willing to throw their lot in with the Legion.

That sentence is also there BEFORE finding the Night Elves. That Night Elves would be in Eversong Woods was at first a rumour.

And not all Draenei are like Kil’jaeden and Archimonde.
Try again.

But all draenei did doom several planets when they fled the Legion… they also doomed the orcs and Azeroth.

That actually does not implied the dwarf caused it either! “observe the result” refer to just that observe the malfunctions happening in said sanctum, not cause that he cause a malfunction to observe!

At best it was premediated by the Naaru, Velen didn’t know until afterwards and even then that does not absolve them from what they did.

But they were willing to have warlocks and use fel magic in their city.

Again, convinent of him to change his mind. She tells you she knows about the night elves but still didnt think it was initially them who caused it(and clearly even without the night elves she thinks they are overloading it/that it is dangerous to do so)

The draenei were stuck and couldn’t leave. More importantly the Legion would come for Draenor sooner or later. It was a CRUSADE TO WIPEE OUT ALL LIFE, afterall.

As I wrote, yes, it implies that the dwarf did not cause the malfunction, but that he wanted a malfunction to happen - and again - the ones holding these documents were Night Elves who just happened to be near the malfunctioning Sanctum.

They document literally says they think the endevors are reckless and dangeous, why would they INCREASE the danger by sabotaging the place and unleashing the wraiths in the first place. Again, the note implies they are watching the malfunction, not that the dwarf/night elves caused it.

It was actually Velen who told the Naaru.

Same with humans, orcs, forsaken, hell, even High Elves in the Silver Covenant appearantly.

He said he didn’t believe the rumours of Night Elves in Quel’thalas, but it turns out he was wrong and there were in fact Night Elves in Quel’thalas. A whole invasion force no less.

The note implies he wanted a malfunction.
And they wanted to observe the results of a malfunctioning sanctum because it is not the only sanctum in Quel’thalas.

Yes. They’re basically the same. Almost exactly. The only tiny, unimportant, almost impossible to notice difference would be…

  • The ones today known as High Elves (from now refered as Helves) remained Alliance members after Quel’Thalas King decided to leave it. Meanwhile the ones today known as Blood Elves (from now on refered as Belves) just so happen to be Horde.
  • Those same Helves never returned to Quel’Thalas. Some staid in Dalaran. Some in Outland. Some in Stormwind. Some in many other camps around Alliance territories.
  • Helves and Belves battle against each other, usually to death.
  • Belves, the ones that back then left the Alliance as soon as they no longer needed it, then asked for Alliance Help when faced with a new danger (Scourge). Just this time Alliance was a little bit busy getting slaughtered by said scourge. Some later swore alliegance to Illidan. Of those loyal to Illidan, some later left Illidan and went to Shattrath and became loyal to a Naaru. Others left Illidan and became loyal to demons. Others remained loners back in Quel’thalas. Then they became Horde. They pretty much swear loyalties to whoever helps them survive and then change sides as they change clothes. Meanwhile Helves remained Alliance all the time, still to this date.
  • Kael’Thas, while governor of Quel’Thalas, proclaimed, and I quote, “…And so I say to you that, as of this day, we are no longer high elves…”

Just minor details…and of course the actual fisiological changes they went through as, Elves have all their history branching in countless sub species, don’t matter enough to even list them here.

They’re the same.

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The note implies he wanted to watch the result of a malfuction, not that he caused it himself.

Ok this was my mistake.

We are talking about two different NPC here. You are talking about: Aeldon Sunbrand

Besides the constant threat that the Wretched represent, I also have to deal with all kind of fictitious reports of night elf sightings.-Aeldon Sunbrand

I am talking about, Ley-Keeper Velania a female.

Some Blood Elves also stayed in Dalaran, many of the Sunreavers.

They don’t… and the latter would rather avoid it as much as possible.

High Elves*

This is tiring. The dwarf wanted to observe, the Night Elves did the sabotage as per the dwarf’s request.

Velania also didn’t believe that there were Night Elves in Quel’thalas, hence her not believing that Night Elves could have been the cause of the malfunctions.

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Yes they did. This denies or modifies nothing of the facts I said.

They do. Horde and Alliance have been battling each other in case you missed that. As such Belves who happen to be Horde members have battled Helves who happent o be Alliance members.

I specifically said on the first point , and I have to quote myself sadly " the ones today known as Blood Elves (from now on refered as Belves)".

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Night elves? Here? Those rats!

Do you suppose they had anything to do with the malfunction in my sanctum? If you have any information, you’d better take it to Captain Sunbrand at once!

Seems like she believed it. And again, she mentioned she think with what they were doing to the sanctum something was going to go wrong, night elf or no night elf.

Now you are changing your story, the night elf in fact did not cause it as per the letter. And the wording is vague enough to not conclusively state if the dwarf cause or did not cause it. It only implies he wanted to observe the malfunction.