What class will your high elf be?

The options are here…

Let em be.


Ah so still walks like a duck and quacks like a duck.


What class will my high elf be? Same as all my other elves.

Oh yeah, would rather play a dwarf….

Idk it’s super hard to choose. I’ll prolly just make one of each high elf on Alliance…they’
re really awesome. Good thing they’re not blood elves though.

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The true High Elves were the memes we made along the way.

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The only people that should be allowed to not face reality are wearing sleeveless jackets and being fed medication.

If they are on an RP server that’s one thing, but otherwise as was mentioned by another…

Has racial modifiers like a void elf…its a void elf.



Racials are not exactly the most “canon” thing. Your telling me a regular human can’t learn haymaker? Or that a Kul Tiran doesn’t have a “human spirit”? Or that Mechagnomes do not have engineering specilization?


Mechanics wise yes…Blizzard has firmly left the RP out of MMORPG for quite some time

My high elf is a warlock.

Mage and paladin, but wait I already have those on horde. I do have a ve Mage that I switched from human for some reason it’s just not the same though.

I feel like reality is more a personal problem on your end given that.

Not everyone who rps spends their time on RP servers for a whole lot of reasons. You have no right to tell them not to.

Some folk RP as dragons and you’re throwing a fit over this?

Let em be. This thread wasn’t hurting anyone. They’re excited. Let em have one at least.


Ok, you tell me what Danuser has said it then, and you provide an official source to back it up as well.

Are you seriously calling me a troll because I’m right and you’re wrong, and you’re upset by that, so you have resorted to school yard behaviour of name calling and harrasment?


We’ve had them since vanilla, actually. In TBC, they were made playable in the Horde, and in BFA they were made playable in the Alliance. And in SL both groups received base High Elf customizations.


No class.

I doubt they’ll ever make high elves playable.

Mmmm. I think someone’s been playing around with Alter Time thinking they could control a Mage spell. Let me fix that for ya.

Casts Alter Time

There ya go, buddy. This is 2021, High Elves are playable on both sides, enjoy! :slight_smile:

Either the statement is off, or the timing. Perhaps in 2022+. So far only Night, Nightborn, Blood and Void Elves are playable, while many other brannches, including High, exist but are non-playable.


Both of which are High Elves :wink:

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We could say they’re both Trolls then…

Or not.


Mmm, not really, no. Trolls are biologically different from the elves.

Blood Elves and Void Elves are literally the same species, the difference being that the former first received Fel radiation, which changed their eye color, but are now recovering from that change and have gained back their natural eye color (a few of them have even gained a Light glow because of their devotion to the Light!). Although the latter have been infused with the Void, they are recruiting Alliance High Elves in Telogrus Rift (as well as other Blood Elves). Their Void infusion doesn’t change their biological race, just like real-life humans receiving radiation to the extent of experimenting physical alterations does not mean they’re a new kind of Homo sapiens sapiens.

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The Blood Elves are not the traitors. The High Elven Kingdom of Quel’thalas was never a long-time standing ally of the Alliance or the Grand Alliance, they were only allies of convenience during the second war against the Old Horde, and the High Elves pulled right back out again following the war, admonishing the human kingdoms for their poor leadership.

The Blood Elves were also the ones who were betrayed by the Grand Alliance. The Grand Alliance invaded Quel’thalas, they betrayed the Blood Elves’ trust by sending spies in place of an actual emissary, and the Alliance potentially saboteured important, Blood Elven structures.

The Blood Elves have also opened the Sunwell up for all thalassian elves with the exception of the Void Elves for obvious reasons. Alleria proved the potential dangers of a void infused being near the Sunwell, and Rommath already theorized what could happen should the void come near the Sunwell, which is why he time and time again requested for Umbric to stop pursuing Dar’khan Drathir’s research and the void.

The Void Elves should have been executed rather than exiled, as you now have read above, not only did they ignore outright orders, but they also chose to continue the research of Quel’thalas’ most vile traitor, the man who was responsible for the fall of Quel’thalas and the death of 90% of the High Elven population.

That is what the Void Elves are.