What class will your high elf be?

I have a bad habit of making a warrior, monk, priest, and hunter of every race I like.

I have leveling premades to host again in a few months, so I’m likely going to be doing all four of those, and might toss a mage into the mix too.

Hunter, the same class it has been since 2007.

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My main high elf is a paladin. I’m hoping they add void elven paladins so I can race change my ‘‘human’’ to a ‘‘void elf’’


I don’t think there is any problem, the leaders of each faction are sisters.

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Mage of course. Magic is a High Elf’s birthright.

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Its not us you have to convince. It’s the folks who work at Blizzard.

Perhaps someone should nudge Ion and be like “yea, put ‘High Elves’ in brackets next to all void elf and blood elf characters”.

I think you quoted the wrong one of my posts.

SC’s members don’t always have to share the leaders views. Vereesa knows Alleria after all and she’s a war hero to probably all elves. Some deference is expected.

Your average run of the mill void elf is a former blood elf with a passion for taboo subjects. I doubt they’re taken any better than blood elves.


Or maybe a Blood/Void Elf specific title like “of the Quel’dorei” to show their High Elf affiliation. A title would be the easy solution though and some folks want the actual race name changed although I doubt that will ever happen.

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Was Checking out some more options and comparing


I don’t really see the point to that.

Sure, would it be nice if, in the future, we could select our character’s racial tags during customization? Sure, but it’s not really necessary. Granted it’d be a nice addition for Dwarves (Wildhammer option), Trolls (Sand/Forest/Dark options), maybe even allow for Orcs/Humans to select their Clan/Kingdom.

If it’d be something relatively easy to add, then I’d say, why not. If it’d actually take some time and resources, well, I don’t know how worth it that would be.

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Whoa, where are those High Elves located, if you know that is? Really digging those shoulders on the male High Elf!

Those are the Argent Tournament Silver Covenant Quest givers for the Alliance to get their Silver Covenant gear and Mounts.

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I thought so but wasn’t sure. Thanks for the location and clarification :smiley:

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We have “High Elves” now?

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No we have delusional people who cant except that their characters are void elves.


Think the Ds allowed people to finally play what they like. Some people are just having a hard time dealing with it.

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They allowed void elves to pull out a bottle of peroxide.


See what I mean ^^

Yep until the racials change its still a void elf


My god amazing, they look so good

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