What class is most fun?

The OP asked for classes i enjoy. You said it cant be done. I did it. I listed classes i enjoy. Youre wrong.

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Truth be told? None of them are fun to me.
I haven’t LOVED any class since they got redone in Legion.

My bad, I thought fun was subjective. You are correct. Good day to you.

You’re arguing some other topic.

So far I’ve played my BM Hunter (this character), shadow priest, destruction warlock, and arcane mage. Warlock is strongest, followed by hunter, then priest, and mage is surprisingly very squishy. As far as “fun”, I’m still searching for that :smirk:

I would have to say Druids because they offer melee and ranged dps specs, healing, and tanking. It’s the only class that has it all.

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Shaman. Ezpz

I would play demo or affliction instead.
Of the warlock specs, destro is definitely the most boring of the 3

For healing: Resto druid and preservation evoker

For melee DPS: outlaw rogue, enh shaman, and fury warrior (rogue if you like fast and furious, enh for rotational complexity and spectacle, warrior if you just want to smash button off cooldown and feel good about it)

For range DPS. Demonology warlock

I haven’t played any tanks this expansion, but I’ve always favored brewmaster for pure enjoyment.

You are correct again! We should not talk about anything at all related to the topic unless it’s answering the specific question. I apologize yet again for being mistaken and wrong.

Hunter! Even though we get ignored by Blizz and BM, the only true ranged pet spec in the game, is boring, neglected, has less survivability than cloth wearer, and blizz refuses to let it be competitive, I still love my hunter.

Ive mained it since Cata but have taken lots of breaks because it does get frustrating when Blizz refuses to take this class seriously and make it actually good again. I always come back tho and havent once thought about maining something else.

Nah BM is fun AF. Not the best damage, but fun! Especially when you have awesome exotic pets :smiley:

Good question. I don’t think there’s a single class I genuinely enjoy playing, but that’s just me, I think there’s something that I fundamentally don’t enjoy about WoW’s class design.

Don’t get me wrong though, they are all serviceable for some fun raid nights, but if I stick around with a class for too long I start picking out a lot I don’t enjoy about it, which is not something that happened to me in GW2(despite me not enjoying the combat all that much) or FFXIV.

Depends on my mood.

I played a hunter for about 6 years. Then this one for another 6, then a bunch of alts. And now my DH is technically my main, but I’m eyeballing other characters.

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As someone that’s played Paladin since they came to Horde in TBC, I can say that is the LEAST fun class. I always have more fun when I branch out to any other class. But I like the class fantasy paladin has so I keep coming back.

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Warlock especially demonology & Shadow priest.

More buttons = more fun.

I like them all but priest. For some reason I can’t seem to level a priest.

Each has their strong points, weak points. I like them all.

idk for me the more i learn how to play my class/spec the more fun it is. doesn’t matter what i play if idk wtf im am doing i am not having fun.

And for that purpose i personally choose a class i like based on the fantasy/lore/Looks in gear.

for me rn it’s the shaman. if my shaman did not actually share the same name as my higher leveled druid on my server i would be maining my druid. not that i don’t like the druid but to me i don’t care much for shifting forms. i like everything else about it but i personally like looking at my gear/character and not as a blue astral being or big chicken

For me it’s always been the shaman class. The gameplay from each specialization is so much fun and different, I know that sometimes classes get nerfed and go through hard times like shamans have, but deep down I still find it exciting.

Beast Master Hunter.

Less buttons to press and feel like you’re a god when you can ignore most mechanics in fights.