What class is most fun?


What theme do you prefer and do like the rotation?

You can legit just stand in front of any elite barring a hunt boss with outlaw and knock it out. Rogue survivability and recovery has always been pretty great

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Lol I enjoy mm more myself but just my preference

Yes you clarified it’s subjective which is an unneeded disclaimer like “so water is wet but”

It’s a toss up between fury, windwalker, and enhancement. I enjoy all of them thoroughly in their own ways. Fury is probably the best because I don’t have many keys to press so I don’t even need my middle mouse buttons to perform my rotation efficiently. The others have so much going on they kind of wear on my hands over time.

Warrior is a lot of fun right now. Rogue seems great. And Evoker obviously.

Its not. The answers are above.

I want to like Outlaw but i dont get the concept. Its just fast attacks and procs? As fast attacks go, Fury still seems faster.

think you’re mixing me up with someone else. you’re a weird guy

This whole thread is just going to be people saying their mains.

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Shaman wasnt even on my list

This. Plus the lore: I love tragic heroism.

Beast Master Hunter.

Go and tame all the animals and have the most chill leveling and solo experience out of any class.

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Oh absolutely – its a lot of fun to play. Its just the community perception bit.

They really need to cut down on button bloat again and start merging some skills together.

Yeah, this is the God-Emperor of all YMMV topics. It all depends on what you find fun and satisfying, and there’s not going to be a real consensus on that.

Everyone hates Deva Evoker but its the most fun I’ve had since MoP.

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I am enjoying WW Monk at the moment

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Has to be warlock.
Its quick and satisfying and can handle anything.

All other classes are either melee which i dont enjoy, have annoying resource systems like hunters focus which leave you stood around doing nothing, or resource systems where it takes so long to build up your enemies have already died like priest and shaman, have lots of long cool downs, or just cant take a hit to save their life (literally).

Tbf i would assume people choose their main because its the most fun to them

Hard how to determine the most fun class when you don’t give us much to work with. Do you like melee or range? I feel like “the most fun class” depends on what you want to play.

It’s difficult to say which class is the most “fun” in World of Warcraft’s Dragonflight expansion, as different people will enjoy different things and have different playstyles. Some players might prefer the high-octane action of a melee class, while others might prefer the more strategic gameplay of a ranged class. Ultimately, the class that is the most fun for you is the one that fits your playstyle and personal preferences the best. It’s worth trying out a few different classes to see which one you enjoy the most.

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You are wrong. Fun is inherently subjective. You are going to get every class and every spec if enough people reply. It’s obviously fine to ask what is fun but the results will always be subjective.