Very simple topic. You can answer for any reason but I’m referring to right now in DF and purely based on the class that you enjoy playing above all others.
Very simple answer: it’s subjective. You’ll have to try all of them to see what you find fun. Do you like melee? Range? Casting spells? Tanking? Throwing heals? Only you can decide what is fun.
I personally enjoy range the most, so hunters and mages are the most fun for me
I like fast paced, so BM hunter is by far my favorite for flavor/fun.
It’s really not.
I honestly haven’t tried every class and subclass and gotten into them enough to say. There probably is a spec for warlock I’d love for all I know but just don’t play enough to get into it.
The question was what do “YOU” find most fun. It’s not a trick question or probing to help me find a fun class.
If the question starts with: “What class is”
the Answer is ALWAYS
Fury Warrior.
I’m doing BM with this toon and I enjoy it so far. It’s a little boring questing, since the rotation is quick and easy for single mobs. It’s a lot more fun when I’m doing AoE on a group of mobs with the KCs, multishots, barbed shots, and pet heals.
Being able to solo 3 man quests like they are nothing is also a perk.
Anyone that says BM is lying to you. Always remember this, OP.
Outlaw Rogue.
High impact aoe bastard vibes with just enough frustrating RNG to keep you on your toes.

The question was what do “YOU” find most fun. It’s not a trick question or probing to help me find a fun class.
Yes, I answered that in my post. Thanks for clarifying.
Many classes are fun right now, so pick the fantasy that appeals to you.

It’s a little boring questing, since the rotation is quick and easy for single mobs.
Most of the reason I swapped to BM main is that specifically. Im tired of thinking lol. BM can mow down mobs while Im eating a burger in the other hand. lol.
If I want to think again, I’ll break out druid maybe…or priest.

It’s a lot more fun when I’m doing AoE on a group of mobs with the KCs, multishots, barbed shots, and pet heals.
Being able to solo 3 man quests like they are nothing is also a perk.
Its definitely capable. I mean, we dont even look at it in a way that admits its got the best heals in the game IF we’re playing it right.
Keep the stuff attacking your pet and you have pretty much an endless heal every 10 seconds. Use ferocity pets so you have really good leech and its probably the most durable spec in the game if played correctly. And when you screw up, Feign Death is always there lol
Subjective, I personally have a lot of fun divine storming in ret and being captain America on speed while playing prot. Most fun though I’d say shaman. There’s a lot of fun different things you can do with them and variety is the spice of life.
The three classes I’m enjoying the most are:
I want to enjoy a DH but he’s stuck at 64 with ZERO motivation to level…

The question was what do “YOU” find most fun.
Your thread title says otherwise.
Too subjective.
What may be fun class wise for one person may not be the same for others, so please bear that in mind before comitting to something you may not be into class wise.
For me it’s a cross of Warlocks,Dks,Shaman and Warr
I love Paladin’s if you couldn’t tell.
They do everything I want without a group, but also do well with a group!
Every spec is getting so full with button bloat they’re all starting to become unfun.
Rogue for sure. I love dot classes so Sin has been a blast for me to watch all the ticking dots. High apm is important to me as well.