What class is most fun?

So far fury warrior for me. You are like a wrecking ball and the class is simple so doesn’t require much thought to do decent dps. Next would be ret paladin for similar reasons. The abilities and sounds just feel satisfying.

Frost mage could be good, but the spells are so weak that every mob feels like you are killing an elite.

Priest - Shadow & Holy (Blizz if ur reading this pls bring back passive atonement)
Warlock - Affliction & Demonology
Druid - Feral & Restoration

These specs require some level of thinking to be competitive, which is what I love. Everything else just bores me to death.

Hands down, no contest the most fun class to play in WoW!

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

Healer = resto Druid
Melee DPS = outlaw rogue, fury warrior, enh shaman are all very fun
Range DPS = demo warlock

I don’t tank, so no idea there.

hunter. no matter what expansion you play in, it feels like you belong there.

also you get guns, bows, and a pet to tank for you. what’s not to love?

Of course this is subjective, but right before DF launch my partner and I did a “tour of alts”. We spent an entire night per class together playing battlegrounds, dungeons, and world quests. This was with the goal of picking our mains for this expansion.

We both settled on Druid. I am particularly liking Balance. Very fun to play, has the benefits of being ranged, can heal, decent CC in the form of roots and hibernate. Very mobile, and tons of utility. Pretty tanky for a caster. Can stealth (don’t underestimate that!). Does great damage to boot! I switch to resto for battlegrounds, however, so I can’t really comment on that side of it.

Paladin was surprisingly high on our list. We both thought it was our least favorite class going into it, but I’ll be damned if it isn’t almost as fun as Druid to me now.

I’ve mained a Shaman for the last several expansions (Enhancement) but since I PvP so much I had to convert him to an alt. Enh is still super fun in PvE and does GREAT damage when done right, but in PvP you are all glass and no cannon. Not fun!

Everything is fun for a little while. The thing I’ve found is that no matter how fun a class/spec is at first, I’ll eventually want to do something different. For that reason, I don’t think there is such a thing as, “most fun.” It changes.

Personally I enjoyed gym class

still searching myself. dont care for rouge. mage is to soft. have not tried monk. gonna keep looking.

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Now (September 2024) my strongest solo character is my Destruction Warlock. In my experience, the BM hunter is slightly underpowered right now but I still love the class/spec. Also, I don’t do any group content, only solo play.

OP, too subjective. Everyone will have their own opinion. As it should be. But to me Dracthyr are fun!

Enhancement Shaman when they pop burst and everything is proccing right is pure dopamine straight into the brain

I love how many ignorant people there are in this thread.

The OP literally states what is the most fun FOR YOU, so when you say “it’s too subjective”, that makes no sense.

Some of you really need to read before typing.

He is simply asking which class you think is the most fun.

OP, for me it is Assassination Rogue. Spreading bleeds and poisons is really fun.

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i’ve only tried 3 so far in TWW (solo openworld questing): prot.paly is a lot of fun, moonbear druid is pretty fun, and aff.lock is no fun.

  • Demonology is fun and fast paced
  • Beastmaster…same as above

Played some fury warrior and wow you are always pushing buttons so I felt unga bunga