What class is most fun?

How are rogues for open world soloing? Can you take down 3 person quests with ease? Curious.

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im liking windwalker monk right now in BGs. some overeager DH rushes you and gets all excited for the kill only for a massive life cocoon to shield your entire healthbar right before he eats a disarm and your team comes in for the kill. its great.
song of chi ji also makes me super happy when it hits an entire swarm of demo lock bull**** and all the demons fall asleep.

Druid is the most fun because you can shapeshift and adapt and fill all roles as needed when needed.

if thats not a major priority for you then sure, the bar for what is fun is going to be different.

and there are other classes that are different kinds of fun, like Evoker mobility.

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Blood DK, Resto Druid, and Ret Paladin are the funnest of each roles imo. They aren’t overcomplicated and you can kinda play without thinking after some time.

Arcane, both shaman dps specs, aff/demo, outlaw windwalker, and warrior all bit the right notes for me.

Yeah I have no problem with 3 person quests as Assassination

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IMO, anything with good mobility is a lot of fun. If a class/spec can run and gun - it’s fun. That’s why I think so many people find melee fun. Being able to maintain high uptime on a boss/mob and max out damage/healing is good.

Demon Hunter is a lot of fun while being rather simple to play. Might consider that. Lots of mobility. Lots of defensives and offensive utility.

I’d say Arcane mage is proving to be super satisfying to play. Learning the dungeons and executing the big rotation on the correct packs, while moving, and not messing up has been just really great to start to master. Its really nice that I’m not forced into fire or frost right now.

Second I’d say is Disc Priest. Again learning the dungeons and their damage patterns, the weaknesses/strengths of the various classes/specs when it comes to survivability and pulling it off is a great challenge. Just wish it wasn’t perceived as so awful by the community.

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I started as a warrior in tbc, played almost every class since. Imo bm hunter is the best spec in the game currently. May not be top damage but can solo almost anything.

Hunter cause you have a lil animal friend (:

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enhance shaman, lightning bolt go brrrrrrr

Rogue because it gives you the most freedom.

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draenei shaman.

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Playing as Ele and dumping a double Stormkeeper Chain Lightning on a tank gigapull is one of the most fun things in the game currently lol


Melee - Demon Hunter. Hyper mobile, semi tanky, and a great backstory. Death Knight is a close second.

Caster - Warlock theme and specs is spot on. I’ve never mained it but super fun when I pick it up.

Healer - I’m partial to resto shaman. Typically not great at single target heals, but very forgiving for the sort of content I play. Plus Chain Heal.

Tank - Prot Pally!

Subjective but this expac I’d go with Evoker, warrior or priest. All fun in p much all content, p ez to play.

On the other side -I tried playing shaman and rogue, neither of which I usually play. Totally mystifying to me. Both have an ungodly number of keybinds. Worse, rShaman is bad and has a zillion keybinds. Obvi, rogue are great, just not my cup of tea.

Well than it is clearly BM hunter.

Definitely not fury warrior.

Its not that its awful or anything, just this expac holy spec is way better.

Well, I am a sucker for beast master hunter myself, I’ve been playing one for 18+ years now lol. Swarms of pets from my stables (using a glyph) is amazing to watch. Don’t care for MM or survival.

Really enjoying demonology warlock this time around too. Destruction is fast killing, but kinda meh, haven’t tried affliction this expansion yet.

Not caring for any of the druid builds yet. Tried feral, boom, and guardian. Feels the same as they always have.

Not enjoying paladin much. Didn’t think ret or prot feel much different. Feels the same as they always have.

Priest is meh. never liked them to begin with.

Shaman, elemental is crazy effects. Love the light show that class comes with lol. Enhancement is a lot of bursty good times. I like the effects off elemental more though.

Mage is meh, never liked them to begin with. Nothing feels different about them

Monk, not sure how I feel about it still. Same old stuff windwalker wise.

Furry warrior is pretty fun, hits fast and hard. haven’t tried prot or arms yet.

Dont care for rogue, same reasons as mage and priest.

Deathknight, unholy feels pretty good. hated frost, not sure how blood is right now.

Demon hunter, ehh… just doens’t feel like they did much with this class. I mean it kills stuff well, but kinda boring.

Evoker. only tried their damage spec so far, loved it once I figured it out lol pretty fun because of how mobile they are.

Haven’t tried healing specs yet this expansion, I am more of a tanker /dps anyway.