What class do you genuinely enjoy?

I love Beast Mastery Hunter. I just wish my dps was better.

I enjoyed holy before Cata.
Now it’s just prot mostly, with ret here and there for shiggles.

mistweaver is a blast
outlaw is pretty fun despite the bugs

Anything warrior, or hunter…

Elemental shaman. Lightning everywhere! :smiley:

Destruction warlock a close second.

Obviously I enjoy making lots of things go kablooey. :rofl:

it’s going to be interesting to see how many people switch to MM Hunter as their main and how many people shelve it.

I enjoy Ret, Fury, BM and Demo the most.

Like you, I’m an altaholic. I’ve played all the combinations and my 2 favorites are BM Hunter and Destruction Warlock. Also, I no longer do any group content.

Which class I enjoy the most? Hands down priest - I love Holy, but also enjoy Disc and Shadow. Mind Soothe is OP if used right, and I always love me a good mass dispel.

I’ll always be annoyed at a lack of kick for Holy and Disc (the only two specs in-game without a kick) - but at least I have the ability to Scream on CD. So that’s nice.

Monk and warrior

I’ve been maining Fury Warrior since early DF (then BM Hunter) as I really enjoy the rapid fire play style. Another one I’ve been enjoying recently is my Frost Mage.

Good question, I enjoy the Paladin lore and I like having tools for every situation as a tank, but I do not like the class fantasy presented in game. I have never been a fan of all the weapon summoning, especially when they doubled down on that fantasy in Legion.

I’ve been leveling a Warrior, but man, their class fantasy is so dwarvish and maaaaybe Tauren in nature I find it kinda hard to take my human war seriously.

Since wrath I’ve been coming back to dk over and over. monk is a very close second. In SL I managed to keep my monk and dk at around the same power – lately though I just don’t have the time to play alts :frowning:

I just love the dk fantasy and vibe. Plus many of the dks sets look very cool.

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Warlock is my favorite class in this game because of how well the theme is nailed between armor sets, skills, and just general vibe. While I do wish the identity of each spec was more refined, I still always find myself back on a lock since I started maining it in WotLK.

Warrior is a close second for the same reasons. Especially Prot and Fury. They just look and feel awesome.

So many Pally’s in my garage. They just ‘fit’ me. Ran my main as Holy from Vanilla to Cata then switched to Prot. Always kept Ret handy (and honestly thought it was one of the best changes when we could have all three specs). Have every single class represented in my garage, but the highest other is a level 62 Kitty. Just can’t maintain interest in other classes. Kinda liking a Demon Hunter right now, little too easy to play, hope it gets more to do as it nears max.

I feel this. I love the look and the feel of Arms. I never really liked Fury and felt like I was missing out because lots of people love it. I always play the “Warrior” class in ever game, but Fury never clicked with me.

Plus I hate how the dual weapons look on your back.

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Prot warrior.

It’s the only tank I have stuck with since creating my warrior in Cata. Something about just being an angry dude with a shield yelling at dragons “HIT ME YOU COWARD” and it working.

Like what you need religion to protect you? I just bounce attacks off my pecks. Poor widdle DK needs to self heal to survive? Chad warriors just ride their victories. Druids gotta change to an animal to absorb damage? I’m perfectly huggable in my thick armor.

Prot warriors are just the best. Fury warrior close second.

My favorite healer is Resto Shaman. I’ve never mained a Shaman because doing solo content as a Shaman felt bad to me, but I love Resto Shaman so much.

i dont have a “main”
i have 2 warlocks
2 dhs
4 monks
a dk
2 paladins
a shaman
a druid
and a couple of hunters

and i dont have time to play all of them

Warrior is the only class I truly enjoy. I play others but get bored quick. Warrior though I love it. All three specs are a blast to play for me.