Ay, I am gonna be that guy and say: Warrior use magic, it’s probably magic from emotions like Shaman’s Spirit and Chi, but still.
Every expac goes like this for me:
“Ugh I’m sick of Windwalker. I’m going to play something else this expansion.”
8 alt attempts later:
“whelp back to Windwalker”
Hunter, but that continues to wane with time as the devs continue the erasure of why i rolled it in the first place
Been enjoying windwalker monk alot this expansion too
BM hunters due to its simplicity but no one wants them in keys
Paladin if you only want one.
I enjoy mages hunters and warlocks as well.
Im an altoholic, too. What helped me was considering what i wanted to do.
I was never going to be satisfied with any class. I have a wandering eye. But if i focused on what i wanted to do it was easier to say “yeah i hate this, but its the best of all options.”
For example, i love Battlegrounds. And i hate melee. So a shaman was ideal because it had a shield, healing, speed, and utility. I could fill a lot of roles in BGs with their makeup.
I always play other things, but im happy where i am with the shaman.
Ret Paladin all day, every day.
Also Demonology.
Shadow Priest, even tho it can be a bit clunky at times with procs
Rogue. I’ve played this character since 2007. It was my first character and for me is the most fun class to level and play.
DK when WOTLK first came out was fun and BM hunter is usually fun.
Frost mage without a doubt right now. The spells proc nicely off each other with almost no downtime, defensive spells work great, and almost no hardcasting. Very satisfying to play at the moment compared to everything else.
Runner up would be prot pally and enhance shaman, but still learning that class.
Dk in death, DK in afterlife. Started as a warrior, pally and hunter in Vanilla and BC. Never looked back when Wrath dropped. Played it through its changes, the ups and downs till they forced us into DW frost in Legion. Took a break and came back when 2H became a thing again. The simple rotation, playstyle and fantasy are what I like. Aside from Ret I haven’t found anything comparable even outside of WoW.
I’ve got absolutely nothing factual on this, other than the way the class was designed and plays, but I am utterly convinced that Demon Hunter was designed during a time at Blizzard where they were giving serious consideration to porting to Console, and they wanted their new class to appeal to Console/Controller players as much as possible.
now, obviously, if that was the case then they ultimately decided against it, but man, DH just feels custom made for Console players.
Ret Paladin after its rework, and Evoker feel similar in this regard, but not anywhere close to the degree that Demon Hunter does.
no wonder those are my 3 favorites.
Rogue. Many people don’t like outlaw, but that’s the only spec I play. I love pirates, being able to afk stealth/log out, choose my battles, grappling hook, find treasure map toggle, and all the other little flavors. The skill ceiling as well as the entertainment factor are quite large, but that’s what makes it fun.
Playing a rogue makes me treat the game from an entirely different perspective. Really makes you feel immersed.
I literally read that as ‘I’m an alcoholic, too” and was like man, we getting real here cuh and I literally just said altoholic this morning
must be forum lag lol.
Nah we are just chads who take down guards with our chadtastic muscles and pure rage.
I really love what they did to Warriors over the years.
The very early iterations they were generic fighters in plate with no magic. Now they’re titans that can leap across the battlefield, DW two handers, charge at full speed, and slam the ground so hard to cause shockwaves. It’s like Blizzard strapped the class to a chair and gave it the Super Soldier Serum.
I love it.