WW monk has been the most fun for me since MoP.
Before that and my second main is my BM hunter, love taming and hunting things and the gameplay a lot.
I have a bunch of other monks and hunters as well, the hunters all having their own themes.
After those two, I have quite a few warriors, rogues, mages and death knights I really enjoy playing when I get to them. Everything else is just ok, don’t really love them, with shaman and priest being the last two I care the least about and almost never play.
I love evokes, devastation.
Easy rotation( well, a bit), high dps, and great looking tier sets. All over a fun class.
But then again, there is fury warrior. Press buttons, do damage. The faster you press, the more damage you do.
Ain’t this the truth.
I had two Grim Batols back to back (I think +7 and +8) and the reaction between the party members in both are wildly different.
Party 1:
Triple pull after the second boss, group just beat it without any issues. Saved DT for the casters and do the stun on the big ‘angry’ boy died before the anger-damage stacked up. Honestly one of the most silky smooth runs I’ve had.
Party 2:
Same pull, and rather than attacking Dracthyr is in chat saying ‘WTF is wrong with you’. Cleanse affix for that week goes off and mobs remain alive forever and kill 2 of the people with AoEs (already low from ascendance). More berating for my ‘bad tanking’.
I took it on the chin because I wanted crests but 100% would not blame someone else for leaving that party. Did complete and time both dungies.
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Demon Hunter (both specs)
Ret Paladin
Dev Evoker
are the three classes/specs that I legitimately enjoy the most.
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Warrior. It’s all shouting, running and hitting. The sound effects are as meaty as your head. Pure zugzug.
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Death knight, frost mainly.
Though I did enjoy unholy in DF
I would also say MM hunter but now with the new pet change that will be unfortunately shelved.
Class fantasy/rp wise I’ve always loved rogues but rogues in wow play terribly in my opinion
I dont know
I likewise swap a lot and get bored quickly… All the classes really feel the same to me.
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I’m a warrior player and I love tanking but it’s all I’ve really done since Vanilla.
I leveled a pally to 60 in Classic as well as a 60 warrior in Classic.
I leveled a druid to 55 in SoM.
I’m currently a 58 Rogue on Anniversary and I haven’t had this much fun since Vanilla.
I’m also an recovering altoholic.
I find classes don’t really come into their own sub-30/40.
Druid. I have like five of them. I love jumping off cliffs and turning into a bird
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I play fury no matter what a bunch of people I don’t care about think or say. Been that way since they ruined tanking back in Legion when I played protection warrior from classic to then.
Mage. Since Legion, every spec has felt satisfying to play, especially Fire where you pop Combustion or get the boss to <35% and see how many Pyroblasts you can get off in a short amount of time. The class always having at least one top-performing spec is a bonus. I made another mage this patch and ended up liking Frostfire a lot:
I also really enjoy DK, paladin, warlock, shaman, and monk, though monk has the misfortune of being both the second-least popular class and the balance team rarely, if ever, allowing any of its specs to be at the top.
I wouldn’t be playing MM Hunter if I didn’t enjoy it.
Ret Pally and Enhance Shammy are ones I recently enjoyed, but I haven’t played the latter in a good while.
Hunter/Ret Pally/Frost Mage - Been playing as prot over on Siren Isle though, just found it better in that instance.
3 classes I’ve always had.
Meta has never interested me.
Balance druid. I was asked by my guild in Naxx during Wotlk to switch from feral to balance for the KT fight, because we didn’t have enough ranged. Never looked back. I have yet to find anything like boomie in another game, part of the reason I keep coming back to WoW.
Same, unfortunately. That was my second favorite behind boomie.
Paladin. Been my main since TBC released. Mostly anyways, mained a druid in Shadowlands.
Also Hunter, Monk and Warrior
The only ones I don’t enjoy much are rogue and evoker.
Enhancement’s where the fun’s hidden.
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Druid has always been my favorite class, all the way back to 2004 vanilla.
Shaman is a close runner up for second, and so far Evoker is in third place for me but I’m still new to it. I’d say Monk ranks somewhere right around third place as well, but I only ever really liked mistweaver monk, the other two specs didn’t interest me at all.
For me I would have to say DKs and Warlocks.
Still rockin’ the lock since 2004.