What class do you genuinely enjoy?

So I’m struggling right now (as a raging altoholic) to find a class that I really just enjoy and find engaging and rewarding. What are you guys playing right now that you’re having fun with, meta or no meta. Just the class that brings you the most joy. :dracthyr_heart:


Prot Paladin. Been my main since fall of 2009.


Pally as I like both Prot and Ret right now so I do a fair bit of both. I’ve also tried healing but… yeah I’m not a healer.

Druid but mostly just for bear.

Hunter because BM is tons of fun and you get to collect more pets.

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The 2 classes i like most that have about a dozen of each are Hunter and Paladin. My main Hunter and my main Paladin have about 175 days played each. After those classes i enjoy Warrior and then Priest. I have about 60 alts in total and almost all of them are 70+ with only 3 at 80 so far. I play all the classes but by far these classes i have the most alts.


Devastation evoker. I really like it because the rotation is pretty simple, but theres a decent amount of little things you can do to maximize it.

It was an approachable spec to get started with and dig into.

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Warrior, preferably Arms, I really love TWW’s iteration of it.

Never really cared about Fury.


Honestly BM is one that I genuinely enjoy. Collecting pets and being able to move on the fly in combat. I see myself playing this till the end of the time I’m playing WoW.

Second class I think I’m liking is Paladin but I’m yet to determine if it’s cause it’s strong or cause it’s utility is good. I’m undecided.

The love for hunters and paladins in here makes me feel seen and validated lol. They’re been my top two favorite so far. Normally I prefer to heal but idk, healing just isn’t feeling good to me lately on any class so I’ve been digging into DPS more. Too wary of this community to tank.


I really like ret, feral/resto druid and dps monk. Your milage may vary.

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Druid. All day, every spec, all the time.

I was an altaholic in this game for more than a decade, and once I started maining this druid, that all stopped.

I still have alts. I still occasionally get on a different toon for one thing or another, but druid is absolutely the most fun I have ever had in this game, and I love it so much I just don’t like hanging out with any other class for long.

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Ret, arms, enhance, and feral. But I’m a melee player so my picks aren’t for everyone. If you’re having a hard time picking something, I’d suggest taking a good read through all hero talents for the classes you’re interested in. Hope you find something.

I mostly like Priest healing (i only play Discipline) but i do also like Holy Paladin just not as much as Priest healing. I also do play 1 druid and it’s Resto but with Druid there is a LOT of nuance to really master it and a lot of niche stuff you can do, i like rolling hot’s and the healing portion is fun but i can’t get into the rest of the class at all.

If you have a thick skin you will be fine. You can do 1 run and have a great group that tells you how well you do and the very next group can be full of clowns who just make you want to rage quit. Tanking can be all over the place.

Good luck.

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Rogue. Mostly Subtlety, but assassin just out performs it. When I’m pushing keys I use assassin, otherwise I’m on sub shadow striking like a mad man.

Outlaw doesn’t exist as far as I’m concerned. Combat was so much better than whatever outlaw is.


I was cycling through a lot of alts when classic fresh launched and it seemed like an alt-alt opportunity.

If you can’t settle on a class in retail, try them out in the original form. It actually motivated me to pick different alts in retail instead of cycling through the same ones that were no longer sparking joy.

The answer for me was shadow priest (which I hadn’t even tried in tww bc my priests are always holy/disc) and next will be frost mage (I only tried arcane this season and then left that in the dust).

It changed my perspective a bit and instead of focusing on the current state of a class or spec it made me think about what is fun about that class or spec for me since it’s an alt I’m not planning on min maxing or pushing progression endgame content with.

Wish I knew. Coulda swore I was gonna go all in on Warlock. Then it was Shadow Priest. Then Ret. Now this Hunter.

20 years, still haven’t broken the cycle.

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What class do I genuinely enjoy? It might be easier to name the classes I genuinely do NOT enjoy… or rather the Specs…

I do NOT enjoy playing Windwalker Monk, Holy Priest, Affliction Warlock, or Assassination Rogue… Windwalker, Affliction, and Assassination are just way too janky… and Holy Priest is just impossible… I genuinely don’t understand how anyone can play that spec and keep anyone alive… every single time I try to play Holy Priest, people die… and I main healers… I can heal as any other heal spec no problem… but give me Holy Priest and we will wipe, everytime…

There was a thread I can’t find it anymore, I listed all my characters. Short version, I have 52 characters total and play every spec except Healers with the exception of Discipline Priest and Holy Paladin.

was a druid main until MOP, then I became a WWMonk main and never looked back, still my favorite class to this day, WW Monk > Frost DK > Feral Druid > BM Hunter > Ret pally for me as far as top 5 go.

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Fellow Altoholic… I’ve got 36 characters myself…

Hunter + Monk.

If I’m playing anything else, I am merely dabbling in that class.

It’s temporary and I always return to my “mains” when there’s more to do.