What caused the Alliance humans to hate the Forsaken?

? …the same elves that accepted her help without a problem in TBC?

The order of events was, Sylvanas tried to go to Silvermoon(before turning to the Alliance/Horde), Lother’mar and co ended up bad mouthing her and she left.

Lother and co were basically saying there was nothing of old Sylvanas/she was a monster and needed to be put down like the rest. Sylvanas ended up thinking they would never accept her.

The timeline is different and some did have an issue with her.

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Yeah I think it’s pretty normal shortly after the invasion of Quel’thalas by the Sourge, for the Elves to want to kill any kind of undead on sight, let alone accepting them.

Anyways, eventually, they did.

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And that is my point, the Alliance did too eventually. In fact, now we have our own little squad of undead void and night elves. Funny, we now have as many undead races as the Forsaken(considering they were mostly elven/human undead)

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I forget, has it been clarified what happened to Garithos’ men when he was killed, and how much fine detail the Alliance knows?

I had the impression that all the Alliance knew for certain was from a few known characters who deserted Garithos before his deal with Sylvanas and final fate, and that Garithos’ remaining men died with him when Sylvanas turned on them.

In which case, while Garithos got his karmic comeuppance for trying to murder the blood elves (even if Sylvanas knew nothing of that), the slaying of his men is still open to interpretation if they were as bad as him or simply desperate people sticking with the only force large enough to stand a chance of surviving in the zombie apocalypse that Lordaeron had turned into - which I think is fine to leave as an open question, where the Horde can make the assumption one way while the Alliance makes the assumption in the other.

That setup could also leave the Alliance’s knowledge of Garithos’ actions as obscured by the fog of war, a patchwork of reports from a few individuals who may themselves know only a part of the story. I feel that would be a good setup for a A/H disagreement, where the Alliance knows little of Garithos’ actions but supports him by default because he was the ranking military leader in the area, while the Horde knows all the gory details and uses them to condemn Garithos and anyone who stood with him.

For example, for his actions with the blood elves, I know that characters like Archmage Modera(I’m pretty sure she was mentioned by name somewhere) were in Dalaran at the time and were part of Kael’thas’ imprisonment - but did they learn the whole story of the blood elves’ brave service, their suicide mission, and naga aid, or did Garithos just show up one day and report that these elves had committed treason (and conveniently not report that the whole suicide mission part) and use his rank and the desperate situation to avoid answering questions?

I just checked, Cycle of Hatred specifically mentions he and his men died. Kristoff, Jaina’s chamberlain at the time knew what happened so I assume Jaina(and the rest of the Alliance) does as well.
Considering the Alliance knows what happened to Garithos, I assume they know what happened to his men.

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Only shaw makes mention of what garithos fate was. Can only speculate if the rest of the alliance knows or even cares


That was the character I was thinking of - though I thought it was mentioned somewhere that he left before Garithos went to Lordaeron City, therefore before he met Sylvanas, made the deal with her, and was killed. So that made me think that him knowing of Garithos’ fate must be either a general ‘he never came back, so he must have failed his last goal and died there’ assumption, or else he heard of those events from someone else.

And if it’s the latter, then I’m curious who that someone else is - how the information got back to the Alliance, and what biases the reporter would have and thus what details were revealed and which were concealed.


If Shaw knows then its pretty clear the rest of the Alliance leadership would know as well.

Did they? Huh. Don’t recall that being in TBC questing, then again its been a bit since i’ve leveled a blood elf. Though to be frank I assume its in outside sources then just the game. Ah well.

I just read a few things about Kristoff, I find it hilarious that he strongly urged Garithos to reconsider his alliance with the Forsaken only to ally himself with a demon a few years later :rofl:


Unironically more interesting writing then most Alliance writing in Legion and beyond.


That’s just speculation though. We don’t know that. And besides? Shaw is head of SI:7, it’s his job to know such things


Its his job to inform the king of Stormwind about important things,things that you know would influence their dealings with the Horde.

Okay? And the rest of the alliance knowing is pure speculation, you can’t prove they know

And the King of the Alliance blames the Alliance.

Assuming Varian or any other Alliance leader knew about Garithos fate is just that, an assumption.


And again, Anduin can be wrong. He isnt infalliable and most people probably would disagree with his assestment of the situation.

Alliance leaders being wrong isn’t new or exciting. I’m just pointing out the King of the Alliance view of the conflict.


And I am pointing out the Alliance being at fault is only Anduin’s opinion, that others probably have a different opinion of the whole thing.