What caused the Alliance humans to hate the Forsaken?

It was out-of-game lore, yeah. The old encyclopedia said the blood elves denied Forsaken aid over and over again, fearing a Scourge trick, and only relented because the Ghostlands situation grew too dire to ignore. Add to that this newer lore about how Sylvanas’s Plan A was to reconcile with her Farstrider platoon in QT and turn the blood elves into her anti-Arthas force before she even conceived of the Forsaken.

Makes you wonder what northern EK would look like now had Sylvanas resettled in the Ghostlands instead of Capital City.


I wonder how different things would have been if the Alliance could have helped their former comrades instead of trying to commit genocide on them.

I always look back at how the Pandarian immediately recognized the Forsaken’s struggle with undeath and how Uther was surrounded with the best help in the universe.

We see how the Horde faired, writers deemed it appropriate for the Horde to completely drop the curse of undeath ball, despite having 3 factions that specialize in souls/spirits/afterlife.

Sylvanas didn’t send people to quel’thalas, she went herself and then overhead lor’themar call her a monster so she went back to lordaeron

Well, they would have had to have a different name. “The Accepted?”


The Light was a big part of their lives, now it brings them extreme pain to even channel it. They feel Forsaken by the Light also.