What caused the Alliance humans to hate the Forsaken?

You are making a lot of assumptions and touting them as canon. The only Alliance leader that knows about Garithos fate says the Forsaken killing him is better than what he deserves. The actual leader of the Alliance blames the Alliance.

Everything else only exists in your head.

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Anduin is not omnipotent, he can be wrong. And even if he believes the Alliance may share blame I doubt the rest or even a majority of the Alliance shares his view on things.

Yes he deserved his fate, but Shaw never mentioned any particular remorse or feelings of guilt towards the forsaken and was all too keen to want Lordeaeron returned to its former state, at best he mentions Garithos in relation to the Alliance to losing out on the blood elves. I doubt what happened to Garithos somehow endeared the forsaken to him. He still considered it “gruesome” or something like that.

Honestly I wish we actually had gotten the full story on what happened to those emissaries instead of just they vanished off screen and were told it was Varian’s men.

Okay, but the Night Elf race mostly supported Azshara during her conquests.

The Man’ari caused all the problems of Warcraft. No other race did.

The New Horde didn’t exist when the Old Horde did.

You have a few points there. But, in the end, I drew a “before/after” picture and commented that with ‘Blizzard’s sensitivity to authentic writing had long since faded’.

Aside from the draenei and possibly the dark irons (which is more of a dwarven conflict), it makes no sense for humans to lay down their animosities. The reasons are still there, but they’re simply ignored by the writers.

same, tbh.

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It’s funny - the one thing that sort of paints the Alliance in a bad light is just vaguely referenced to. With a lot left to consider. But the clarification does at least lay the guilt at the feet of the Wrynn’s, if nothing else.

I appreciate some sort of clarity. It used to be a complete mystery. There were theories that maybe Varimathras had them killed. Or Sylvanas herself had them killed, and only sent them off as a show of diplomacy, never intending them to reach the Alliance. Or random peasants got to them. Now we know the Forsaken Ambassadors were stopped by Varian’s men.

Anduin has previously mentioned that his family, as leaders of Stormwind, were responsible for the way the Forsaken were received. So, this matches old lore, builds on it, and clarifies it. Which I think was good.

As opposed to say, some of the full scale retcons that completely contradict actual Gameplay.


Iirc the one who gave the order (via proxies) was Prince Valanar of the San’lyn in disguise.


My obligations to my king and my army have been fulfilled. It is clear I’m not welcome among my comrades anymore. I will have to find my own way, fighting no wars but my own and following no orders but my heart’s.
last rites


And yet he was helping the Alliance again, fighting a war against the Forsaken.

Yes, but his statement that he is not welcome among his comrades is already evidence of resentment, which seems to exist regardless of the San’lyn.

What are you arguing for? That the king can change people’s minds with the snap of his fingers?

I am arguing it was an empty line delivered by someone who still ended up helping the Alliance.

Ultimately, some of the death knights are more tied to the Ebon Blade. Others like a Death knight we recruited for our Garrison, kept their ties more so with the Alliance. That it cant be that bad if they are still willingly fighting for it.

I can’t get over the fact that he considers being betrayed by the Forsaken and being eaten alive is BETTER than what he deserved. I wouldn’t have guessed in a million years that a an Alliance leader would say such a thing.

That is so wild to me.

All the while the King of the Alliance laying all the blame at the feet of the Alliance. Wow

With all the Forsaken wanting to repair relationships with the living storylines coming out, I’m expecting that there will be more.

The Alliance worked with Sylvanas and the Forsaken, then she backstabbed them. Then the Forsaken killed a bunch of Alliance in Hillsbrad and also did experiments on them. That’s probably why they don’t like them. Their actions later down the line didn’t help improve things either.

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Yet the King of the Alliance blame the Alliance and believes what happened to Gatithos is better than what he actually deserved.

I like the Forsaken/human conflict as a tragedy of distrust and decisions made too late to matter.

First came the Scourge (and the Cult of the Damned), so humans slew every undead they saw as simply being more Scourge.

The Forsaken extended an olive branch and were rejected with deadly force. So the Forsaken wrote off the idea of alliances, and fought the living to keep themselves alive.

Then the humans finally cottoned on to ‘wait, this faction of undead is different, maybe we can deal with them’, but the Forsaken’s window for peace was already past and they were not willing to lower their defenses (and the best defense is a good offense) to make yet another overture of peace that could be rejected.

So, then, the humans looked at the continued Forsaken actions against them and concluded ‘hm, well, I guess we were right in the first place and they are just as bad as the Scourge’.

And the fighting continued, blind to what could have been if things had lined up just a bit differently. Each side making decisions that were understandable and all too human, which happened to be just the wrong thing at the wrong time.


Garithos kind of got what he deserved since he lost the Alliance Quel’thalas’ partnership with his actions and he was a general PoS. Still doesn’t change the fact the Forsaken backstabbed and killed, what was at the time, the leader of the Alliance. As for Anduin, he’s basically an idiot zoomer who doesn’t know what he’s talking about, he was like 5 years old or something when WC3 went down and lived on the other side of the continent.

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Not according to Alliance leadership.

Edit: He got better than what he deserved.

Agreed, very well said. Both have the right to hate each other, for their own reasons, can’t really blame either side.

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I’m inclined to agree, but probably for different reasons than the writers think. For them it’s probably since he was mean to elves and dwarves. imo it’s because he cost a partnership with Quel’thalas and was gullible enough to trust Sylvanas.


On this note, the reason Sylvanas even sent emmisaries to the Alliance is because her own people, the Elves of Quel’thalas turned their back on her. Hell, if they were sent to the elves you could bet they would have been killed as well.