What caused the Alliance humans to hate the Forsaken?

He certain deserved to die, but he didn’t deserve to die by Forsaken hands.

It doesn’t matter how he died, he deserved it

You just got Zerded, he took you down straw man’s lane, past out of left field and straight into comparing apples to oranges orchids. All the while not genuinely believing a half of what she posted.

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Oh it does matter, because the way he died proved the forsaken were untrustworthy bunch.

  1. I am guy. 2) all that can be said now is Sylvanas is finally paying for all her evil deeds and Chronicles 4 has mostly exonerated the Alliance/showed how much more evil the Horde was.

Well yea the best part of an argument with zerde is neither side will ever change their stance

No one ever changes there sides here. Hell, we have Chronicles 4 saying things I have mentioned for years(like Genn having suspicions thanks to Aszuna/Jaina not directly killing anyone). Heck, people still argue Jaina was neutral even after I showed them WoW manual specifically stating she was an Alliance leader.

If the Alliance didn’t kill those diplomats, there wouldn’t be as much reason to join the Horde, and thus, probably no Burning of Teldrassil. Therefore, the Alliance shares responsibility for the Burning.

And if Sylvanas didn’t betray Garithos they might have been less suspicion about her and the Forsaken.

There is a very long blame game we can play here if you are so interested with things like if Ner’zhul and the Horde not opening portals in Draenor he wouldn’t have become the Lich King and ultimately caused Sylvanas to become the banshee queen.

And even under the assumption that the Alliance does share responsibility for the wars in Azeroth, it is ultimately not the ones who pulled the trigger and any blame should be directed at those that did.

Really hasn’t at all. But everyone already knew you were going to twist it in that direction regardless

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Maybe check outside the story forum bubble every so often. Regardless, the Alliance getting a pretty clean record.

It’s an unspoken rule that diplomats are to be left alone, regardless of anything the nation did previously.

No if you go back far enough, Alliance races are pretty much responsible for most of Azeroth’s woes: for example, the bad decisisions made by the Eredar and Highborne.

No in geopolitics, the one who instigates situations is as culpable as the one who pulls the trigger.

Thanks for clearing that up, I generally call people he(until I know otherwise) but someone called you she so I assumed they may have heard you on discord or something.

I’m totally down for changing the topic, but just know I’ve known you long enough to see what’s happening. I can’t wait to look up one day and behold Sylvanas descending from white heavenly clouds in all of her glory. I shall rejoice and be glad.

I wish there was a daily quest where we could jump into the Maw and help Sylvanas rescue souls. It would be neat if there was a pre determined number that needs to be rescued and someone we all could see the number dwindle daily. I’m not sure who or what you’re referring to in Chronicles but one thing that is certain, the Forsaken extended an olive branch to the Alliance and they gleefully stomped it into pieces.

You mean the highborne supports of Aszhara who are now blood elves/void elves? The night elves(at least modern ones) are the ones who immediately fought them. Same with the draenei who fought the Eredar. On this note, do we blame everyone for the actions of their brethren even if they did not actively participate in it? Because boy that will be a fun little game as well considering the Horde’s record.

That assume the receiving host even considers them diplomats. Look, all we know is Varian’s men killed them. It doesn’t even mention Varian having order or even potentially knowing about it. For all we know these were either men Onyxia had sway over or just a bunch of soldiers who did it of their own accord.

Or we end up with a Sindragosa/Malygos style end for her. She committed genocided, I doubt Blizzard will particularly reward her even if she did clean the Maw of all souls.

^^Example of Zerde not believing what he post or simply being contrarian and dishonest. This is bold face lie and completely disingenuous.

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Garithos end was well know even as of the Cycle of Hatred book. The Alliance has literally show it is willing to grow and accept others(aformentioned Death knight, worgens etc) as long as they don’t actively screw them.

On this note, even Varian was willing to accept an audience from a Death Knight out of pure curiosity. It makes me think he never did find out about the Forsaken ambassadors until much later.

Doesn’t change anything I just said. The alliance were responsible for some of things that we correctly speculated about, others they weren’t

The Highborne became a lot of things. The Blood and Void Elves physically and culturally changed too much to be considered the same. Besides most, if not all of them, weren’t around. The Shen’dralar, on the other hand, were around during the time of Azshara I’m pretty sure, and were welcomed openly by the Alliance. Same with the Man’ari.

The Man’ari are welcomed back, like I said. And still, most of the Eredar, who were the same race as Draenei, sided with the Legion in the first place.

I don’t believe in racial guilt. It’s just even by your own blame game logic, Alliance races are still more culpable.

They could talk and say they were.

Well then Varian is at fault for letting the House of Nobles become so infiltrated.

And it those that they were not that is the real kicker because Horde fans have tried to potray the Alliance as somehow just capturing Talanji for lolz when I have said for year the story was the Alliance knew she was planning to make a deal with Sylvanas. Or that Jaina was actively avoiding Sunreaver deaths/only killed those who truly resisted. Or that Genn truly had a reason to hunt down Sylvanas because of events from Aszuna.

The Shen’dralar defended their city as best they could during the War of the Ancients. As legend has it, it is said that the Ancient Goldrinn came to their aid to help them defend their city against the Burning Legion.

The Shen’dralar did not join Aszhara and actively fought against her and the Legion.

These Man’ari are presumably trying to repent for their crimes. So which is it, do we allow people to repent or is redemption never allowed? Because oh boy that is another fun kettle of fish for Horde fans to discuss.

The Alliance as a organization did not even exist when these races committed what you are blaming them. The Horde however did exist as an organization when it did 3-4 genocides.

I know you mentioned you didn’t know what novel I was referencing about Thassarian, even though it is the only book that features him, but this game of yours has bored me already. I know you want us to pretend you don’t know the lore, but I went out of my way and provided you direct references and quotes in the OP. Anyway, you were entertaining for a minute.

This is a straight up lie also

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Again, it was not a novel. It was at best a manga/graphic novel which is a different thing.

If the highlord had simply listen to Kristoff-or any of the other six people giving him the same advice-he wouldnt have sided with the Forsaken. As Kristoff predicted, the undead creatures betrayed Garithos and his warriors and led to his downfall. By that time, Kristoff had left for greener pastures.

Jaina’s chamberlain was one of Garithos’ men and would have likely told Jaina of his orgins. As a side note, this means the Forsaken not only killed Garithos but his men as well who may or not have any relation to what happen to the blood elves.

The fact Shaw knows of Garithos means the Alliance knew his fate long ago.

Oh I know the lore enough to say that Sylvanas will hopefully be stuck in the Maw until the end of Warcraft/or she gets a final send off. With any luck she will never darken our doors ever again.