What caused the Alliance humans to hate the Forsaken?

Cause 1 acceptace of 1 group does not mean acceptance of all groups, the EB and forsaken are two entirely different organisations, and two unlike the EB, the forsaken got there ambassadors unceremoniously butchered

You mean the way Sylvanas decided to butcher Garithos? As much as the Alliance didn’t like him/considered his fate deserved, I doubt the Alliance would be pretty trusting of a race who’s first act was to betrayed a member of the Alliance.

You know that was a San’lyn trying to sow discord right? We saw in Catacylsm that the humans even flocked to the draenei for guidance.

And he survived and probably kept a few Alliance soldiers alive. And he gained enough trust he eventually got promoted to leader Alliance forces in the Plaguelands against the Horde.

Edit: It was the same San’lyn trying to kill him that got him put in that suicide mission! Possibly to prevent him from being exposed!

I recall Varian working with Warlocks by the time of Warcrimes.

This was never the case, the Gilneans could always be in worgen form in the city, we have one of the auctioneers who do so ever night.

And as Garrosh would say times change. Old suspicious die with the fact the various Alliance races have to trust each other to actual survive.

Yea and he deserved it even the alliance agreed on that, and secondly he was not an ambassador and thus no protection would have been afforded to him

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and also thirdly since when have they been the same alliance and fourthly its not betraying a member of the alliance the forsaken are the literal same nationality as him.

He was a leader of the Alliance. If ambassador get protection, so much more its leaders. Regardless, the Forsaken were traitors who’s first interaction was to betray the Alliance, and not the other way around.

So would the Scourge and yet I doubt either Garithos or Sylvanas cared about that fact.

I doubt he cared cause he was a bigot yes

Neither would “I blame all of humanity” Sylvanas, she was as bigoted as him and she is now paying the price.

Okay? so did he, those ambassadors howerver, unlike garitho’s did nothing wrong and were thus unjustly murdered, they were even from stormwind

And Garithos did nothing wrong at least to the Forsaken. He made a deal, the Forsaken reneged and killed him and likely quite a few of his followers.

Oh absolutely did plenty wrong, trying to kick out the forsaken at all whether through negotiation or not is indeed wrong

Sylvanas agreed to leave Capital City if they took it. They were not “kicked out” it was a deal the Forsaken leader agreed to.

and even having that as a condition of the deal was wrong

And yet Sylvanas agreed to it with the express intention of betraying Garithos. That proves what kind of character she was and the Alliance probably dodged a few dozen bullets not letting her back into the Alliance.

and the alliance by doing so lost any and all ability to limit her and thus not only made an enemy on their doorstep, rejected their kin

She would be a “worse” ally then a friend consider what she did to the Horde. She would have been liable to destroy the Alliance from within.

Which Anduin tried to rectify only for Sylvanas to plan to use such reunions as a mean to lower Stormwind’s gates.

Except that was never her plan, no material has ever had that be a plan she had, she believed the gatherings were pointless cause it was her belief the living would always reject the dead, so she had no plan for them

Reread Before the storm, she was specifically planning on if the Gathering went well enough to actually have forsaken spies infiltrate Stormwind and ultimately use it to weaken Stormwind.

and thus everyone refuses to trust each other

Which we could trace back to Forsaken actions.

Ill trace it back to garithos thanks, there is no convincing me he didn’t deserve to die