What caused the Alliance humans to hate the Forsaken?

Mograine was not the founder of the Scarlet Crusade in current lore; that would have been “Saidan Dathrohan”/Balnazzar.


What I’m getting is basically it was their hatred of undead, nothing more nothing less. I remember in the DK novel when Thassarian returned to the Alliance, Varian told him that if it wasn’t for Tirion’s letter he would be stain on his floor lol.

Religious motives too.

The Alliance on Eastern Kingdom specially is based on the teachings of the Holy Light, and before the Cosmic Chart, “Death” and “Necromancy” was directly opossed to the Light.

  1. Are you talking about the DK manga? Because I don’t remember any dk novels. 2) the Ebon blade were just hours ago killing any all living sentient creatures in Lordaeron, including Alliance members. 3) https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Saurfang%27s_Blessing

Fordring… Yes, I know him well. If any other man or orc asked me for such a favor I would have killed you where you stood. Fordring, though, is an honored hero among orcs.

alliance humans are just as racist as those from dragon age. They are simply hiding it.

You’re insufferable.
“Uh, actually, the graphical novel isn’t a novel?? it’s a manga??”

That’s the problem did he think Thassarian traveled all the way into Stormwind’s territory to have milk and cookies? At least capture these free-willed zombies and listen to what they have to say. There are a lot of idiots in the Alliance.

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Alliance : Idiots who somehow keep bumbling their way to victory :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_nod:

Because it is not a novel and is a graphic novel which are two different things. Because for all I knew she was talking about Arthas’ novel which is the only “death knight” novel as it is.

Varian thought he was still working for the Lich King/the ebon blade were emmisaries of the Scourge/did not know they were free.

The only reason Thassarian was still alive was because Varian was going to listen to what he said, he didnt need to capture them. Having said that he also planning on killing him after because honestly, that is what everyone would have done to an agent of the Lich King.

Heck, if the civilian population of either faction had their way, the Death knights would have been dead long before they could plead their case to either faction leaders.

I couldn’t have said it better myself

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What are you going on about? A novel? A graphic novel? WtfC? Why does that matter?

I suppose it had nothing to with the letter that he specifically mentioned keeping Thassarian alive. I guess you need to read the novel non-novel/graphic novel.


In the end it doesn’t matter what it’s technically labeled. It’s such a minor nitpick that there was no need for him to even make a big deal about it

Because I wanted to know what the heck you were talking about. For all I know you were talking about something else.

Everyone but you knew what she was talking about though

Varian: on official business or not, you have mere moments to exist.
Thassarian: I bear a missive from Tirion Fordring your highness.
Varian: what? give me that, I should kill you for speaking his name.

So no, the manga has it so that Varian didnt know about the letter until AFTER Thassarian was in the court. So yeah, maybe you should reread it.

And checking the ingame questing its also the same:

The only reason that you still live is because of my curiosity.

As a side note, the ingame version would do what you wanted(imprisoning said undead):

Were it not for this letter from Tirion, you would be in irons. Only an endorsement from one of the greatest paladins to ever live could have ensured your survival.

Although this is from Anduin’s version and I cant find the original wrath version so it might have a different text.

It might suprise you but not everyone has all the books/comics/whatever of Warcraft and actually have to look up things. So saying it was a novel when it wasnt makes it hard to check.

“I’m here on official business” and then killing them isn’t what I would particularly call listening to them.

Why? Should Varian have let them something like “The Lich King will come and destroy Stormwind, surrender” and just let them walk out of Stormwind like nothing happened?

They hate the undead because they’re Zombies. They are monsters, vicious, bloodthirsty, and untrustworthy, scourge, walking sacrileges in the eyes of the light. And then there’s their appearance: they decay, their skin is pale, flesh falls off their bones, maggots crawl through their flesh, they stink. They’re horror, wearing the face of their loved ones. Imagine what it would be like to meet someone like that in real life. No matter how nice their personality is, they’re an outcast at best.

Their actions in silverpine, gilneas and hillsbrad didn’t change this for the better.

An interesting source:
The Church of the Holy Light judges that undead embody blasphemy towards life itself and all that is sacred. They are considered to be nothing but body-stealing abominations, and are destroyed by their agents to honor their memory as livings and allow their soul to rest in peace in a will of mercy.

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The Alliance has had a decade or so of having death knights, warlocks, worgens, demon hunter, dark iron, void elves, mechagnomes walking the streets of Stormwind.

Heck, some in the Alliance(like Thassarian’s sister) have embraced their undead brethren, hell, if the Gathering had been successful until that Calia business.

At this point, the Forsaken are just emos playing the “I am so oppressed card”.

Blizzard’s sensitivity to authentic writing has also long since faded. I recall the questline in which Thassarian was sent on a suicide mission in the Borean tundra in order to get rid of him as soon as possible, the Alliance commander who used the draenei with caution because the common peasant folk still associated them with the Eredar, the Warlocks who had to hide in the cellar to practice their magic, and the noble who attempted to expose them being poisoned. The Gilneans only existed in human form in the cities; the Dark Iron Dwarves were extremely distrusted, particularly in Ironforge; and, like the Void Elves, the common folk did not have much affection for them.

These are lovely little nuances. Blizzard has now abandoned them in favor of Peacecraft. Of course, this results in an inconsistent story overall.