What caused the Alliance humans to hate the Forsaken?

Great, there is room for retcons and refinements.

IMO this entire thread is a breeding ground for speculation.

It would behoove us to get them out now before the Sylvanas novel is published.

I believe that the novel will set the record straight once and for all. I predict gnashing of teeth and heartache from a lot of speculators, including me lol.

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M? What institution of the canon can harm you?

lol a lot!!

Are you talking about in general or the Forsaken-Garithos event?

Hmmm, what could be the absolute worst outcome for my favorite speculations hmmmmm.

Maybe if Sylvanas was a wicked evil person while she was the Ranger General of Silvermoon.

That would crush everything I believe to be true lol.


I think it had a bit more to do with that whole third war thing.

That is very optimistic. It may lead to more confusion.

Golden wrote about Genn with a tail, after all.

Most folk who are still fans of Blizzard enough to care by the time this book comes out likely will have vested interests. That really ups the expectations.

I admit - I wonder if they will mention the ambassadors the Forsaken sent.

Will they double down on Sylvanas being evil, and write scenes where she orders them slain as they return? Or will Blizzard write scenes where she hears of her ambassadors being captured and tortured by the Alliance?

I wonder if Blizzard will ignore the ambassadors, or mention their fates.

Anduin seems to acknowledge a rejection on the part of the Alliance. So if the High King acknowledges a rejection, and so did the Banshee Queen, and the ambassadors never returned… it seems like they either were slain as a rejection, or on their way back after the rejection.

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He’s right. Sylvanas sent out ambassadors to the Alliance when she founded the Forsaken. They never returned. The Alliance had the chance to have Lordaeron back, it was being handed to them on a silver platter, and they turned their nose up at it.

In general it’s prejudice against the Undead. Even before the Scourge the undead were viewed as an abomination and the only thought anyone would give to one is putting it back in the grave.

A comical example of this is in Vanilla where Alliance players have a questline to kill Nathanos and at the end, Bolvar says “I assure you, Champion, wherever Nathanos Marris is now, he smiles down upon you” as if you’ve released him from some kind of torment. Which is freaking HILARIOUS given that Nathanos was ride or die for his BFF in life just as much as he was in death.

Side note: I miss quests like this where a few google searches would show you the Alliance leaders were freaking morons.

In general, the Humans stuck with the Church of Light belief that the Undead were abominations and “cruel mockeries” of who they were in life and never really wavered from it. The Wrathgate only solidified that with the Alliance blaming the Horde for a Burning Legion coup.

I’m pretty sure the Gathering was the first time anyone from the Alliance actually tried TALKING to a Forsaken. Even Turalyon wanted to kill Alonsus Faol where he stood and Faol is the nicest man in the world.


If you had bothered to read the thread you posted in you would have seen that a good two thirds of your post have already been discussed and debunked.


Yeah, he was laying it on thick.

BtS was very interesting in that regard. We finally got to see the Alliance come to terms and change their view of the Forsaken. Meanwhile, we got to see Forsaken yearn to be with their living families and deal with being rejected.


The Light is a racist cosmic force that is biased against undead. It was never that good to begin with. Perhaps it has something to do with the Naaru invasion of Revendreth.

Destroy the Light. /s

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It’s like sometimes you guys are purposely trying to sound like a parody of yourselves.


It’s very clear that the Light hates all undead. Most humans worship the Light. You know what that means?

It’s biased against undead in the same way that water is biased against fire.

Exactly, that’s how racist the Light is. They can retcon “greenskins” away, but not that.

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Also, it’s clear you share the same prejudice.

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I can fully admit that I harbor some negative sentiment towards the living dead, returned from beyond the grave to feast on the flesh and souls of the living

I like at the story from a fair and nuanced perspective, unlike you.

“The Light is racist” was not the take I was expecting to see today, not gonna lie.


Haunted houses must be an emotional rollercoaster for you

And seeing Lordaeron in ruins must be one for you. Luckily, it will stay that way.