What caused the Alliance humans to hate the Forsaken?

I got used to that before WoW even launched, I’ve just been around long enough to know that being in ruins is not its natural state.

TBH I just see as a massive shifting of goalposts without justification to fit a drab narrative.

Probably because the first thing the Forsaken did was start killing and possesing Ogres, Gnolls and Murlocs leaders in the same manor the Scourge did to fight for them in the Plaguelands. After which siding with a Dreadlord.

If this information was known to the Alliance at the time I would bet thats more then enough reason to not trust them.

This did not age well.


and they both had it coming sorry.

Au contraire. If anything, Chronicles doesnt implicate Varian(and by Extension the Alliance leadership)at least. Sure “Varian’s men” kill the Forsaken. But doesnt seem like it was Varian who order it/it could be Onyxia who ordered it without Varian knowing.

You are funnier than people give you credit for.

When you raise the banner of Stormwind while killing people the kig is at fault yes. Have you not seen Game of Thrones enough?

If we go by this standard then the Wrathgate would fully be Sylvanas fault even if she didnt know/didnt directly order it.

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They blamed Sylvanas for that fully later. So that is actual current canon.

Putress literally tried to kill her too and sided with the Legion. Didn’t stop Blizzard for blaming Sylvanas eitrher way cuz Afrasiabi wanted to ruin her.


If Sylvanas truly was blamed for it both Alliance and Horde would have torn herto pieces.

Even Chronicles had a “she is likely innocent but people still distrust her” stance because while she may not be guilty of the Wrathgate, she was still guilty of making the plague.

Well it’s in retrospect. It was a retcon during BFA. And then she was punished chosen by Tyrande in SL. So that’s already done.

Now, about Vereesa… finger taps


Vereesa gets away because she is alliance.


Varessa the psycho Windrunner sister seems to get away with a long of things. :dracthyr_nod:

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She is basically high elf Roger yes.

No she isn’t.
Admiral Killhorde is at least funny and doesn’t annoy me.


I don’t think she believes the things that she post half the time, it really comes off as ish posting to the point it’s now funny when she does it.

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And she didn’t. The Alliance rejected her first. :blush:

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She’s really not though. Admiral Rodgers is on a whole other level of psycho. Like it dread said, at least Rodgers is good for a laugh. Varessa is just annoying