What Casuals (99.9%) Want

The assumption was that I work set hours when I work a job that starts at different times. If I have to leave at 5 am to be at a job 3 hours away by 8 as an example

90% of my playtime is when they are in bed.

Casuals aren’t the problem. The casuals screaming for content to be removed simply because they’re too garbage to do it, are the problem.

Casuals aren’t the problem. The casuals crying to the extent of getting ALL content nerfed so they have a chance to do/see it, are the problem.

Casuals aren’t the problem. The casuals crying about “having too many buttons to press,” are the problem.

Casuals aren’t the problem. The casuals crying about “waaah, open world PVP means I may get killed, even though I KNOW I ROLLED ON A PVP SERVER,” are the problem.

Casuals aren’t the problem. The casuals that are entitled, and believe the game should cater to them, are the problem.

This is the way

The casual/hardcore debate was a thing back in EQ (and likely AO too I’m guessing). They never came to a conclusion then, and people won’t now either. Its just white noise at this point.


I’d be happy with just M0-M1 being in the group finder. I’d like some harder options for instanced content on-demand, without potentially screwing up someone’s high level key. Mix that with some LFR and I’m good.

I appreciate the clear answer with examples that could and should be put in the game.

I think a reason that a lot of new players quit. This is just my opinion. The gearing is part of it. But I think it’s the lower level game play that they have issues with. Older players who know all the instances in ever xpac don’t explain anything to anyone anymore.

And the super speed everyone runs the instances at a lower level is an issue as well…for new players.

Casual here. Pretty close. yup. A big thing for me is to not have dungeon or raid mechanics that prevent soloing when it becomes old content. Ran into that the other night trying to solo Lord Stormsong in Storm of the tides.

It’s no wonder why there’s no class quests, lack of fun button spells, rpg things, getting the dungeon quests outside the instance, empty capitals, and etc. I may only play atleast 2 to 4 to 6 hours a day for wow but seriously even the game itself is seriously dull now in days due to having no RPG Elements anymore. I mean the Pro Allied Races being Level 10, No Starting Zones, No Capitals, No Faction Reps of their own, and etc.

Plus I don’t think the Trading Post isn’t fixing much even through it is a interesting fun system.

It also doesn’t help that the scaling is haywire. Low level mages can carry much higher level players in those dungeons because of the scaling. Everything dies in 2-3 seconds.

They have indeed neglected the leveling experience which doesn’t help to retain new players.

Removing the leveling ranges for zones and dungeons was also a bad idea, imo. Existing players may have wanted and like it but the game needed those zones and dungeons to be balanced to make sure new players could feel the challenge and be drip-fed the story as it should be. The old world has been neglected for too long. But with that, the game is so old and bloated with zones and story that it’s a tricky thing to balance around the level squish without the blanket level scaling. Hillsbrad can’t be a 20’s zone anymore. Arathi can’t be the 30’s zone anymore because that’s halfway to cap. So much stuff to force into a tiny container. It’s bloated.

These days, no new player can level in this game and have a clue about the lore and characters. Nothing is sequential and cohesive anymore. The game is focused primarily on endgame and that endgame is raiding and M+. And the leveling seems to be aimed at retaining the existing players rolling alts. And without the hook and bait to catch new players, the game shrinks and the rest of the world is just a formality when leveling alts.

And the graphics. Imagine a new player being forced into BFA only to later check out the rest of the world and see paper trees and the like. The immersion is broken with issues like that.

The issues are so out of control now that the bold but wisest move might be to start on WoW 2. The game has the combat and movement down perfectly. It feels good to play. The problems relate to bloat and a reboot could be a solution. But that’s tricky because players’ collections and etc would be a hard thing to walk away from. They can continue the managed decline or take a chance.

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Bro, you know what I actually really want that doesn’t have end game involved? An actual challenge leveling mode, you know, reduced exp, mobs deal more damage while you deal less, kinda like Classic leveling but on retail, completely optional of course.

I just want something to do other than spamming M+ outside of raid nights, I just can’t bring myself to enjoy WoW’s end game anymore meanwhile they’re just wasting all those old zones by making leveling boring and irrelevant.


I agree that removing the level of the zones hurt a lot.

I used to have a leveling pattern. Start level til I could go to the hinterlands. Then WPL then epl.

Can still do that but it’s not as fun.

I really like the up to level 30 in FF14. Where every 5 levels you have a class quest. And you cant skip it and out lvl it cause it syncs you.

The biggest downside to 14 is if a new player starts today they have to play thru all the xpacs.

The Duty Support system 14 added is wonderful.

Would be neat to see that here.

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I don’t…

I agree. At max level the XP bar should still fill up and when it gets to full you get something that will contribute towards gear progression.

This would finally get me to crank out Loremaster if they let you sync to pre-DF content. Chromie Time is not enough, especially for the slog Outland and Northrend are.

as a casual, I 100% disagree with this post.

Things i want:

Elite areas removed or made significantly easier.
Daily content that can be done whenever you want (so not things like the feast).
Gear progression that comes at a steady rate.
Them to stop putting mob grinds in to the game.

I dont want this game to be hard or challenging out in the world.

Wouldn’t it be a even greater slog if you try to do it as a low lvl?

Dunno. What I was envisioning was doing it at level cap (which a lot of loremasters did anyway because they’d outlevel the zones and use the fact that they were outleveled to cheese past group quests you could never get a group for because they were old expansions). Except this time you’d be filling a paragon level (in the D3 sense) bar so your time is less wasted.

so you want extra reward got it

Yes? I don’t see the need to be dismissive about it. The rewards are incredibly underwhelming when it comes to Outland and Northrend leveling content, no one ever recommends you go to them over Silverpine, Hillsbrad, Redridge, Loch Modan, Duskwood, or Gorgrond. Those two expansions kill the “I’m gonna Loremaster using Chromie Time” dream.

I’m not being dismissive, its just that the way you talked it seem to be something else, but you just want more rewards, asking for more rewards for old content is a completly different imo and I dont really agree but I didnt wanna bring that up