What are your non-WoW (or non-gaming) Hobbies?

Once a week, hit the gym. Almost every other day, turning glass bottles into drinking cups. Or some sort of woodcrafting project that I think would be useful to me (So long it doesn’t involve cushions.)

Going on dates with my wife.
Going to the park with my kids.
Playing Minecraft with my kids.
Playing Elder Scrolls/Fallout by myself.
Use to be skateboarding but I’m too old and beat up for that now.

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Board games.
Breath of the Wild.
The forums.

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Pathfinder RPG.
Hobbyist programmer.

Used to do RC helicopters. Not nearly as crazy as this but could do some of the maneuvers, one at a time, much highers, and much slower. Got tired of wrenching and repairing though.

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Weeping over my retirement portfolio.


Writing fanfiction.
Other games.
Occasional deck building for MTG.

I want to give D&D a try before I start studying again, could be difficult to find a group in my neck of the woods.

I’m a writer, gardener, painter and also love to read and listen to music. Hiking is fun and I enjoy going to aquariums and zoos. I used to horseback ride, but moved and there’s nowhere around me to do so any longer.

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I forgot some more hang on


This first one I actually tried to stick more closely to actual bat anatomy. Where they have rather large chest muscles. Well that and abs are just fun to draw


Ignore the headshot part. That was me warming up

Photography and car enthusiast. Tempted to go to school to become a professional videographer soon.

Fooling about on Blender, Writing on my Google Docs, bike riding, watching Youtube Videos, Tinker my PC from time to time, rare spring cleaning to my room, watch movies, or play on my PS2 emulator. :slight_smile:

Historical Wargaming. Currently building the British Peninsular Army of 1812 in 6mm. Then there is my WW2 German army for Bolt Action, which I am one vehicle from being finished.

I also do a bit of 3d Modeling and Character Design.

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I’m a member of a trans inclusive fraternity at uni.

I’m part of an entrepreneurship program with a mentor and I’m starting a business.

I run an LGBT+ student org and a discord for LGBT+ students at the uni.

I write, make art, and program. I have skills in 2D and 3D art and animation. I know Python, Lua, JavaScript, Java, C, x86 Assembly. I’ve dabbled in C# in Unity and a bit of COBOL. I also know HTML, CSS, some php.

I once designed a board game prototype and even bought a 3D printer to make game piece prototypes with.


I did programming as a hobby, it became a job, it went back to being a hobby (because writing business software is like scraping your forehead against a cheese grater when the management has no idea what it wants), and now it’s part of my job again. Good times.


I’d like to see your builds. =)

I’m more a “kit-basher” than a kit builder. I’m in the middle of a build and my work bench is boxes and boxes of parts.
other hobbies: i have a few collections i enjoy and sometimes go on hunts to add to them. but usually end up adding to them when not looking anyway.
I adore audio books and usually have one on in the back ground. Movies too.
This summer i hope to work on my old car a bit more.

If I’m not on WoW I’m either building from my massive Gunpla backlog or doing something with expensive mechanical keyboards.

Those are my two non-WoW hobbies :slight_smile:

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Not in southwestern Ontario, Canada by any chance? I used to work for a company that put on the demo derbies in this part of the world.

Mmm. I read sometimes. Watch anime sometimes. The books are usually geek stuff, like the Warcraft novels, or Light Novels (and Manga if that counts). Listen to a whole lot of music, but don’t really play anything myself (I know some Guitar, but at this point my guitars are wall decoration and I’d probably put more time into learning to make music via software than via physically playing something).

That’s about it really. If work didn’t exist I’d like to put some time into learning digital art (I have a pen display I’ve rarely used), but at this point in time I just haven’t prioritized that over other interests.

I’m very much stuck to my computer most of the time, btw. I am aware of this and don’t have a problem with it.

I wasted some money in college realizing I wouldn’t enjoy making programming a career.
I should pick it back up as a hobby sometime though. It’s been awhile.

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Fishing, paddle boarding, anything that involves sandy toes!

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