What are your non-WoW (or non-gaming) Hobbies?

I quite enjoy reading, calisthenics, spending time with the wife/kids, and often times for about an hr or so here and there after work just sitting and staring at the wall in silent reflection.

I do a lot of hiking and reading.

No, just across the border in Whatcom county at Lynden Fair grounds and that area.

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i like hiking and singing and singing while hiking

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Painting miniatures. Itā€™s an absolutely medatative process that can lead xown some very interesting and creative rabbit holes. The Ork Nob from Kill Team? You cannot convince me he isnā€™t a JoJo reference. And thatā€™s mostly how I painted himā€¦except for the desert camo pants because he was one of the few Orks to escape Angelis (partly by bribe, but mostly by violenceā€¦because he got bored).

Look up Ork warboss on Maw-Krusha and tell me what you see? I know exactly what I see and I know how Iā€™m going to paint it!

Games like Cursed City, Blood Bowl, Dungeon Bowl, Kill Team, and many other skirmish gzmes with great minisā€¦I love painting them to create a narrative point.

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sleeping :sleeping_bed:
eating :pizza:
daydreaming :zzz:
movies :movie_camera:

yeahā€¦I mostly go to work, then sleep, then school, then sleep, then work, get paid, give all my money to bills, rise and repeat

:black_large_square: :white_square_button: :dragon: :black_large_square: :white_square_button: :dragon: :black_large_square: :white_square_button: :dragon: :black_large_square: :white_square_button: :dragon: :black_large_square: :white_square_button: :dragon: :black_large_square: :white_square_button: :dragon: :black_large_square: :white_square_button: :dragon:

I collect gins and whiskeysā€¦Scotch, Bourbon, Tennessee, Irish etcā€¦ but itā€™s hard to build the collection because itā€™s expensive and I keep drinking it before the collection grows.


Oh! Me too! Me too! :smiley: Iā€™ve been cross stitching since I was maybe 10 or 11 and I used to cross stitch things on all my clothes. :joy: I am otherwise very good when Iā€™m not goofing off and the owner of the local stitching shop, who taught me near everything I know about about the art, gave me discounts on framing to display my completed pieces for a few months in the shop. :smiley: (Sadly, sheā€™s long retired now and the shop closed.)

Other than that, I love collecting Hard Rock Cafe pins and production anime art (cels and sketches). My husband and I love movies too and go to the theater together a lot.

Most recently, Iā€™m planning to branch out into quilting too. A few weeks ago, I bought the materials to attempt my first quilt! :smiley: Pointers are welcome from any other quilters here as I try to decideā€¦ hand stitch? ā€¦ or use a sewing machine? Iā€™ve been having a hard time deciding which method.

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On the weekend there nothing better than adult nap.


I recently retired. I take a nap every day :slight_smile:


I just started doing diamond art paintings. Those are so relaxing. Really enjoy those.

Reading, writing, drawing, hiking, watching movies/tvā€¦

Now and again I like to hop over to the little animal rescue near my house and feed giraffes or whatever animals theyā€™re in the process of saving. One year they had about 6 ring-tailed lemurs (my favorite animal). Another year they had an alligator and tiger that some a-hole was keeping in his tiny apartment.

I didnā€™t even wait for the weekend. Took a 2 hour nap after work and will consequently be up to 2 or 3 am now.

Unfortunately a weekday nap doesnā€™t fit my schedule, Iā€™m jealous

Working out

Recently stopped playing wow for them although Iā€™m hellbent to get my remaining subs fee with forum posts here & there.

Mechanics (saves a ton of cash)
I love feeding birds & watching them. Even planted honey-suckel / blue wysteria
Reading (almost anything)
Electronics (love taking them apart & fixing if possible or even making something new)
Love to build computers
I really enjoy socially interacting in person, especially with the gals
Unix community member in Miami
Science (pre-purge)
History (pre-purge)
Non-verbal skills
Debating ideas
B-rated kung-fu movies, hereā€™s an example

Have many more but feel I gone on long enough.

Fun thread! Non-WoW hobbies are:

Disc Golf

I would absolutely LOVE to get back into D&D (even have the books for it), but itā€™s been so long since I played back in the day with AD&D 2nd Edition rules, and Iā€™m kinda sorta oldish now, so I havenā€™t explored any viable options.

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Most of my time is playing with my kids or going to their activities like dance, soccer, and gymnastics.

Enjoy hiking a lot. Skiing in the winter but that gets expensive. Reading, working on house projects, and playing board games like Pandemic and Catan. My oldest son has recently gotten into Magic the Gathering so having fun with that.

Iā€™ve tried getting the kids into D&D but no luck yet.

Weā€™ve also recently adopted a puppy so that has taken up a lot of time.

Basketball, biking, and cooking? Im not sure when I would touch again my guitar and keyboard. I also like to tweak my desktop pc as upgrading my pc is my hobby too.

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I enjoy board games. Iā€™ve a collection of 40+ games, although I havenā€™t gotten much use out of them since the pandemic started. Used to attend a board game meet-up group in the before times; some of them still meet remotely using Tabletop Simulator, but it just doesnā€™t feel the same as an in-person game.


Dungeons and Dragons.