What are your non-WoW (or non-gaming) Hobbies?

What are your favorite hobbies to do outside of WoW or gaming in general?

For me I like to go hiking, working out at the YMCA, going to a Zoo or Aquarium, and visiting a museum. I am bit of a nature enthusiast, and Zoological aficionado. I like animals.

I remember in the old forums (like 2010-2018), there was a thread about your personality outside the game, and one person mentioned he’s a falconer, another a surfer from california, and another as a hunter and fisher, and another that is an avid mountain biker. What about you guys?


I have a few things:

Deep space photography telescope keeps me busy; weather providing.
I crochet a lot.
I am an avid crossword solver.
I love power lifting and was competing, so that took a lot of time. Now I just do it for fun and stress relief.
I assist my husband with his metal forging.
I love reading non-fiction.

Building model kits

And writing haikus, of course

My Playstation 5


I have dogs, horses, couple of fish tanks and another home on lake Saint Claire in Michigan. I also like recreational shooting (i own several guns.)

So yeah that’s my life when I’m not on WoW.

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Classical guitar.

Ironically… not that big a fan of Segovia.


Reading, both books and the news (NYTimes & WaPo, mostly). Watching movies on streaming. Puzzles: word, math, Sudoko, and jigsaw. Bowling and walking, for exercise. (I have lots of time, being retired.)

Gardening. I love planting flowers and watching them all bloom, one after the other.

I like tending my yard. Squaring up the grass, grooming the trees, clearing up plots for veggies, and more flowers.

Also my cat. I love my kitty


I don’t really know if it’s a hobby exactly.
But I just love going on road trips. If I’m bored I’ll just go for like a 90 minute highway round trip to a neighboring town to get a drink or something. Texas highway driving is relaxing to me. I’m from the UK where it’s small, windy roads. Which some people probably find more fun. I love the long straights.

Walking is another hobby that ties into that slightly since it’s travel. Be it Hiking or even just walking around a local area. I just like traveling whilst alone.
So I guess I should just summarize it as I like to travel. But more so on a daily basis, small scale. Not grand plans.

I used to do Warhammer. Until I had “rent”, “utility bills” and “responsibilities” :face_vomiting:

  • Hunting and range time. guns in general.
  • Fishing
  • Woodworking
  • Golf on occasion, not obsessed with it like before.
  • Coin collecting.
  • Precious metal investing.
  • Tearing just about anything apart to figure out how it works. Doesnt usually end well. - - The one grandson inherited this one, lol. Constantly catching him disassembling his stuff like i used to do when i was a kid.
  • Coding websites…mostly HTML and CSS.
  • Hiking here and there.
  • Board games and some CCGs.
  • Gardening when the weather allows.

more, Im sure…


Gardening, xStitch, going for drives/walks. I was thinking of getting into stained glass, woodworking or sculpting now that we have a workshop.

Being a warrior irl :sunglasses:


Not sure if it’s really a hobby, but when not in WoW and it’s that time of year, watching various racing series. F1, WRC, WEC.

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I work full time. And also do Equestrian Drill. :slight_smile:


I am a big time fly fisherman!

Woah, wait a minute. What is this “outside of WoW” about which you speak?

Does it involve that big yellow glowing thing up high, the one that burns my beautiful, soulful cow eyes if I look at it?

Yeah, I don’t do anything that involves exposure to that. No way, no how.

/moo :cow:


Lifting weights and going to the park with my dog. Blue Merle Aussie needs to exercise every day so I go to the park every day. It’s a routine that works I guess. I wouldn’t normally do cardio otherwise so that’s a fringe benefit.

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I have many… so many lol.

Collecting Cookbooks
Learning (I love Wondrium)
Old Movies

And soooo much more lol.


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Programming, watching sci-fi and anime, and a bit of retrocomputing, mainly.

Sometimes I’ll have periods where I’ll read stuff (usually non-fiction) on my e-reader.

Used to spend a lot of time in Photoshop drawing and making wallpapers when I was a teenager, but that kind of fell to the wayside after becoming an adult and getting lost in the daily grind. Have been meaning to get back into it, even have an iPad and Apple Pencil, but it just hasn’t happened yet. I feel like I need to just stop everything for a month or two (job included) to be able to get back in touch parts of my older self, but that’s not realistic lol.

Want to try to get into woodworking and have the space to do it in but once again time and mental bandwidth are in short supply, so…

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I make mead and wine and sometimes beer.


Music: I play the bass, the trumpet, and the synthesizer.
Art: I do creative writing including short stories, poetry, and essays and am professionally published.
Magic: I do sleight of hand including close-up, mentalism, and bizarre magic.
Exercise: I lift weights, walk, hike, and swim.
Reading: I read everything.
Technology: I program computers in C/C++, R, Julia, and a variety of other languages.