What are your non-WoW (or non-gaming) Hobbies?

Playing the piano
Walking / hiking
I really like movies and tv shows, usually a lot of sci-fi or fantasy
I’ve also been working a lot on drawing over the past couple years, I’ve improved a lot but I still have a ways to go!
I also have a bit of experience with programming, so I’ll do that for fun occasionally

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  • Walking with my dog when he’s up for it, he’s getting older so he gets tired fast these days and has arthritis among other things.
  • Collecting and playing retro games - I have almost every physical release of the Castlevania and Panzer Dragoon series among many other games. My Sega Saturn collection is probably my favorite out of all of it.
  • Writing short stories and lying to myself about ever finishing a novel.
  • Working on designing a tabletop RPG.
  • Trying to motivate myself to learn programming and game design.

Digital Art, mostly.

Pixels are cheaper than paint.

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Nature walks

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Reading and sleeping.

3D printing.

Reading & collecting comic books, collecting Star Wars figures.

You made me go look that up. I love writing prompts. I aced English in high school and college by writing stories using all of my vocab words LOL

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Outside of wow, I like long talks on the discussion board.

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I play horn in a community orchestra, and in the summers, a summer band program that does weekly concerts in a park.


It’s a great place to just let those creative thoughts flow. If you write fantasy and need feedback or just want to know if and how to make an idea work try r/fantasywriters.

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I draw sometimes. Also DnD even if I haven’t played in a hot minute.


This is Ambrosius. His upper half is bat like while he has the lower half of a centipede. I just didn’t draw his lower half for this. His 4 arms can make it look like he has large bat wings. I made him for the world Fennah came up with since the rules for this race of creatures offer a lot of wiggle room creative wise.

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Running. I like to run in the morning and try to keep myself fit

back the day i took up BASIC programming because i wanted to write my own version of the Oregon Trail. i haven’t coded much in recent years despite having Android and Visual Studio suites installed on the very machines i play WoW on.

I’m obsessed with pirates and I’m into old 1600s-1800s naval ships and accessories.


I love hiking in the woods and camping.
Oil painting scenery (Bob Ross kinda stuff).
Guns, bows, and hunting
Have been playing drums for over 40 years
Guitar for 15 years

Use to play paintball. Though now officially “retired”
Drove Demo derby in the summers. Whole family was into it at one point.
Though also “retired” for now.

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Car shows.

Not just TV shows about cars (I love most of those), but actual car shows where you can walk around and look at what other people have.

I actually have a car of my own that I put in shows, and my son just bought a car he is getting ready for the next big show we are attending in September. He may or may not be ready for local shows before that, but his car still needs a little work.

Besides that, my spouse and I enjoy gardening. We are particularly good at growing tomatoes, even when we aren’t even trying. This year will require more work, however, since we skipped last year due to not going to the local greenhouse for our starter plants. Our garden boxes look like hell right now.

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I collect dank old school anime dvds from the 80s-early 2000s. My collection is pretty vast.

No ebay or amazon purchases either, only stuff plucked from resale shops in my area.

If we are talking about talents I also do illustrations.

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I play Trumpet, Go to the gym, Go on walks, Go out with my friends and girlfriend. Don’t really have time for much else right now :frowning:

Oh, I did just get a puppy so that is pog

training dogs