What are Shaman getting in P2 to restore the balance?

It doesn’t do anything for healers

Laughs in Arcane Mage and Wrath spamming Resto Druids

God forbid Homunculi also proc it for the Priest, as healers are already taking them so Wars dont have to Sunder.

If you have enough downtime to spam Wrath on a Druid, then you’re not casting enough heals to risk running out of mana in the first place.

If you’re using all of your casts on heals, you WILL run out of mana… and you also won’t gain anything from Judgement of Wisdom while you are healing.

Pets do not proc judgements for their owner. Mage healing is a dungeon/leveling thing until proven otherwise.

TLDR it sucks for healers.

Raid heal druids slap half their side with hots and then dick around trying to heal snipe to meme meters as is, they’ll absolutely use Fury of Stormrage over Living Seed if they’re not directly on MT healing.

Arcane literally deals damage to heal in SoD.

Not assuming Homunculi does, but you never know; lotta other added stuff doesnt work how people first assumed (literally all dual wield stuff).

Totem of the Pack Rank 1
40 Mana
Requires Shaman
Requires level 1
Tools: Fire Totem

Summons a Fire Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster for 1 min that increases ranged and melee critical chance of all party members within 45 yards by 3%.

Hope this helps!

Wow this thread went off the rails. Let’s get back to the alliance ret pali outperforming enhance at everything causing a growing imbalance. If enhance continues to suck in p2 vs ret it will keep snowballing. Why roll on the side with liability when you can roll on the side with the upper hand?

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Shaman is fine now as a class

The numbers don’t show enhance being fine.

Resto is fine, tank is fine. Enhance dps is not.

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Give them a rune so they can cast spells while they move!

I don’t think enhance has an issue with movement and casting. They have an issue with hitting like a wet noodle in all phases and lack of pvp survivability.

Pvp survivability being bad is pretty consistent for every version other than wod/mop

It’s fine if you take way of earth. Not so fine if you take Sham Rage.

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This is a trap. It might take a little longer to kill you but, your not doing good damage and now you have no sustainability in the fight. Mana hits 0 and your damage is just auto attacks. Your pretty much dead vs everyone.

Shaman niche is mana battery, mana tide/water shield/sham rage/mana spring, they don’t have a whole lot going on for them beyond that so far anyway

And that is a huge problem considering we’re supposed to be the linchpin of the horde like palis actually are for alliance.

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It would be nice to see Shamans get some new tools in P2.

Enhance tanks are BIS which is nice and all 3 specs will come into their own at 40 with talents alone but I think this discussion is more than that.

Shamans have really had their identity spread across several other classes with one those being it’s supposed counterpart, Paladins.

Tremor. Windfury. Strength of Earth. Grace of Air. Have all been given out to other classes.

How many classes now have a BoF? Or a BoP? Divine Shield? Which class got Paladins LoH?

Sure Hunters now have kings but comparatively Shamans have had more things given to Alliance than Paladins had given to Horde.


Theres a likely chance that a class get the Light/Wisdom judgements rolled into a rune.

Personally assuming Arcane Mages.

Edit: as in ‘Paladin will also lose one of their personal mechanics’

ya . honestly shaman got gibbed for the good stuff and pallies got to keep most of their stuff and the extra shaman stuff.

its pretty nuts.

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What’s crazier was that if it wasn’t for player outcry we wouldn’t of even got Lion in Phase 1.

So their plan from the beginning was to start with Alliance gaining all these Shaman abilities and Horde getting 0 of the Paladins.

I can’t even get a Lightning Bolt off in PvP while a Paladin can slow me, silence me, stun me get mana back, heal with an offensive AoE all while being immune to any and every type of damage.


that sounds silly :smiley:
luckily they cant do it while immune with the big bubble… yet.

It is silly.

And while they don’t have a 10 second immunity right now, they do have a 6.

Avengers Shield was broken right out of the gate and I don’t play Alliance but I wonder if Paladins suffer the same GCD when equipping a shield to use it as Shamans do when activating Way of Earth.

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