What are Shaman getting in P2 to restore the balance?

What’s being added to shaman in P2 to make up for getting windfury screwed? Are you going to make the epic melee drops in p2 shaman usable?. Just wondering how much longer do you plan to handicap shaman in SoD, or are you going to keep screwing the class over? The quality right now between ret and enhance is miles apart. And that is driving realm imbalance.


lol you expect those incompetents to even understand the problem much less have any way to fix it?


Shamans can actually be slotted in caster groups now and drop Mana Tide Totem in a group that fully benefits from it, rather than being stuck in melee groups for windfury and no other casters that benefit from MTT (other than the Shaman himself). That in and of itself is a pretty big buff.

Alliance does not have an equivalent for Mana Tide Totem.


I know that balance getting addressed wasn’t going to be such a priority in phase 1, but dang, they really dropped the ball on some easily adjusted abilities.

Penance and Prayer of Mending are absolutely dumb.

Hunter pets not receiving 20% damage reduction in WSG and so you stack 4-5 of them.

Warriors are going to begin hyper scaling into phase 2.

Shamans will at least have elemental in PvP, I guess.


Alliance gets blessings of wisdom. And getting put in a caster group isn’t an answer to the imbalance.


Mana Spring Totem + Mana Tide Totem is significantly better than Blessing of Wisdom alone.

Who says they intend to balance anything?


Mana tide is a resto 31 point talent. This is about enhance vs ret.


Enhance vs. Ret have identical buffs. Both bring str/agi. Both will be needed.

Aggrend: What’s a shaman? Never heard of them.


I don’t know what to say to you. I’m talking realm balance between ret and enhance and your talking about a buff. I’m glad the inferior enhace spec can cast an agi/str buff. Good looking out there.

There are literally faction balance restrictions in SoD.

I don’t think you even know what you want.

Lol you’re a bad troll.


You forget Wis Judgement in that comparison though.

Judgements are gonna be insanely strong in PvE in SoD, I almost expect them to make other class versions ala Lion Aura and Wild Strikes.

Judgement of Wisdom sucks. It doesn’t do anything for healers, who are the ones who need mana the most.

The Feral Druid who ends up #18 on overall DPS in a 40-man raid appreciates it though.

Paladins kinda suck in 10 man their strength comes when you can have all blessings and judgments. Most 10 mans only bring one and its not fun raidbuffing every 5 min.

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Don’t paladins now have a judgement function to their runes that restores 3-5% of party mana?


pally buffs are numerically superior to shaman totems and can be individually placed on characters (say for instance being able to salv people in the tank group and putting another buff on the tanks).

sure it takes like 2 buffs from the paladin to equal a shamans totem that is meant for 5 people to buff but you can pre buff the pally buffs and have better net results .

i can pull up the numbers and compare directly if you want . it is true though.

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im still mad that Purge doesnt remove a paladins bubble, but in wrath/tbcc a priests mass dispel does, anyone can kill a shamans totems with a simple click and cutting us off utility-wise at the knees, but nobody can touch a pally? its a bad joke of design synergy.


It is true, paladins are ez mode and shamans take some skill, but in the end shamans will aaaaalways be cooler, even if they don’t top charts or obliterate in one hit, paladins are just that dorky.