What are night elves good for?

Shush you! The vast majority of players don’t understand how to Druid, we don’t need you feeding them grandeur of rolling a feral druid that can actually “gasp” tank or god forbid, dps :wink:


I’m glad someone else thought of that. :slight_smile:


I can’t be the only person who intends to collect all the priest racial spells over time. Also, the lore for NE priests is awesome (my first character was a NE priestess). When we rerolled on a different server, I had to be a human to level with my spouse’s warlock without him doing the death run at very low level. Spirit is nice… starshards are pretty.

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Night elf is better hunter for pve. Better base stats plus increased bow damage. Bis hunter weapons are bow. But yes dwarf if better for PVP.

Also nelf warrior isn’t terrible with increased Dodge chance, but they don’t generate as much threat.

Rogue does get increased stealth which is good in open world leveling and PVP.

Also druid is much better on ally with increased Dodge for tank, agi for cat, and increased stealth

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Night elves have +9 base agility compared to dwarves and shadow meld. While stoneform is good shadow meld has creative uses for hunters since cat pets can also stealth, or you can FD meld doing solo dungeon runs which resets FD cooldown, etc. Meld definitely enhances the class.

NE is the BiS race for hunters and druids (obviously).

That’s really not too bad when you consider gnomes are BiS for only mages and locks (and arguably PVP warriors), dwarves just priests and paladins (by preference), humans just warriors and rogues.

It’s pretty much each race is the BiS for 2 classes on Alliance side, with some optional choices here and there based on PVP-focus or spec.

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As a night elf male warrior i have a +35% seduction rating in wpvp, sometimes thats the only thing that saves me from getting ganked by two rogues or frost mages when i just want to fish…


I wish my racials were better. But in the end, I enjoy Night Elf more than any other race. I’ve tried going the number crunching route. Rolled a 60 Orc Hunter before. I didn’t last long on him. I learned that I’m just not a Min-Maxxer.

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Night Elves(especially the Night Elf females) have a hidden racial called Lucky Looks.

With this racial, you have a 35% higher chance of receiving loot/gold from your group/raid, friends, and guildies. It also includes a passive generation of gold by mailbox dancing in Stormwind while AFK.

They make up for the loss in peformance racials, by having more gear and gold!

The racial scales greatly with higher proc chance if you’re actually female in real life.

I’m rolling a female dwarf priest in Classic. Not just for fear ward, but I love dwarves and the females don’t have beards to cover up the cool robes I can get at end game :joy:. If it was the night elves that had the OP racials, I still wouldn’t play one just because I’ve never liked night elves. My only night elf Druid in retail got race changed to a Kul’tiran as soon as they were released. Aesthetics and preference are more important for enjoying a toon than any racial abilities, imo.

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Even as somebody who min/maxes more than most around here, I still say that worrying about racials isn’t as big of a deal outside of a few very specific cases that are primarily PvP related.

Humans are supposed to be the best for melee DPS because of their +weapon skill bonus, but we still see Dwarves parse at the top DPS on private servers. The benefit of most of the racials is pretty minimal for PVE.

I also say that Fear Ward is seriously overrated as a Priest racial. Not that the Night Elves have anything better than it mind you, but it’s still overrated.

Plus, you know, flips while you jump around.

From my perspective as an undead cannibal, they are good to eat when dead.

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Being purple

Well if you must know… A E S T H E T I C S > ALL

Night elves have the Improved Death racial, which is very useful for them since they die so much.

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Night elf rogues do just fine. Skill> racials any day. If you’re the top dos and a night elf no one can complain.

Thank you, I find it so crazy that some people in these forums can’t accept that people just want to have fun… in a video game…


Night Elves take up like 30% of the Alliance ranks in Vanilla. Not everyone is min/maxing.

The more apt description would be kindling.

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Give up fear ward to look good? Sign me up any day. This is not some hardcore difficulty anyway. Fear ward shouldn’t even be necessary. It doesn’t even exist on the Horde side. Stop being a sissy.