What are night elves good for?

Mailbox dancing … duh


/ah you like those male nelf abs of steel?

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When it comes to pvp? Hunters. Well, unless if you wanna roll warrior you can sneak charge on someone, or unless if you just wanna play it as druid.

Other than that theyre pretty much useless. I think they shouldve reconsidered giving the few races with the most useless racials, especially human most of all, an upboost just like everything else.

And ask for human…honestly they shouldve just scrapped the racials they had in vanilla and put in something like either something like every man for himself, or something like that one racial that draenei had back in tbc (cant remember the name of it now) maybe like an ability that can slightly restore just mana if your a caster, or rage/energy if your melee

Only a few things come to mind.

Oh and if female, maybe a stealth /lick?

Min maxing in Classic is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.


What? There are far more night elf’s then drawfs.

This, a million times. There should’ve been an achievement for some insane number of flips. But then every Night Elf would earn the achievement easily, maybe by level 10, even if it was a million flips.

It’s really fun to flip into an instance, vanishing mid-somersault. And it’s great to actually time it with jumping over something.

Besides flips, Night Elfs have the best dances. No other race comes close. And, let’s be honest, female Night Elfs are hawt.


What are night elves good for?

Rule 34.


Don’t night elf rogues and druids in cat form get an extra level of stealth because of shadowmeld? Always thought that was nice for sneaking around.


And here we go again with min/max garbage that has never proven any race is superior over any other for XYZ class, especially at end game or in PvP.

Have fun, play the class well and everything else has a way of working itself out just fine.

Gotta love all these overly stressed out “OMG I have to know min/max strategies!!!” /rollseyes

Oh, and to answer what Night Elves are good for, it’s the only race that can play Druid, which requires actual skill to learn and master, so do us Druids all a favor and don’t roll one, we need only the best players playing this class :wink:


People didn’t fully understand or properly value +hit/weapon skill in Vanilla, so that was the popular opinion.

Dwarf is technically better for the 10% Armor increase for 8 seconds every 3 minutes.

Elf races are one of those things. People are going to play them because they want to. I haven’t seen a good case for them being wrong. The top Warrior DPS parse on private servers (among the most min/max stick up the butt types in the game) is a Nelf Male named Wrath.


Eh, i never pick a race for the racials. I choose purely on an aesthetic or lore basis. Night elf males are the best at being the ugliest thing in the game besides humans and the females are best at being…er, excitable and bouncy.

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Don’t min/max, enjoy the class whose lore and zones you love. You won’t notice the difference and it’ll be more fun.


What are Night Elves good for?

♫ Abbbbsssoollluuuutteeeellllyy Nooooootthiiinnng! ♫

(Nah, Nelves are great - I just wanted to sing the song.)


Lol wut. Trolls have the best racial in the game.

This is sarcasm, right? I remember NE Hunters for days.

Don’t you remember Legolas? And Legelos, Legolis, Legalas, Legulos, Legulas, Legiles, Legolus and Lêgøläs?

Don’t forget Lagalus.



This. Thank you. Not once during my years playing Vanilla did I play with others whose sole aim was to min/max. We raided and cleared BWL with at least one druid tank; dungeons had plenty of Night Elf priests, rogues, and warrior–and not a single damn was given. Racials have a bigger impact in Vanilla than retail, sure, but it’s still not game changing. People play what they find a connection to.


They do cool flips

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You know, I started playing my Night Elf druid again. You have no idea how many times I used Shadow Meld to get out of combat, then prowl to get out of a danger zone.

I’m probably going to roll druid for classic!



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