What are night elves good for?

Seriously? It seems like every single class that can be a night elf is sub-par if you are minmaxing.

Priests? Give up fear word.

Rogues? Inferior racials.

Warriors? Significantly inferior racials.

Druids? Only because you have to be a night elf to play one.

Hunters? The only somewhat decent class for night elves, although a dwarf will serve you just as well.

Night elves have significantly inferior racials, which is sad because my first two vanilla characters were nights elves and I love their lore and their leveling zones. Blizzard should have either made their vanilla dodge chance 2% (which they eventually did in later expansions) or or substituted their nature resistance for a more useful passive.

Whenever people manage to have fun with the game Blizzard can’t have that. NElf hunters used to be amazing because of the stealth aimed shot in vanilla - then that got nerfed and I dont think there’s ever been a real reason to play one for racial benefits.

I loved the stealth aimed shot - I never played nelf hunter and got wrecked by them leveling as horde; It was still awesome knowing somewhere in gadgetzan… on some rooftop… there was maybe a stealth sniper.

The feeling of being unsafe was the best feeling in WoW - it even makes the safe places feel even safer…


Some of us just like the lore, yo.


Night Elves are good for not being Gnomes.


I love the idea of playing a female night elf druid. They are so tiny in build but can then transform into a huge bear and kill the mightiest monsters.

Dont care to much about the racials.


They die nice.


If you’re going to make troll threads, at least be funny with them.


Shadowmeld is severely underrated for open world and for PvP. Since the nerf it’s not as good but it was insane for Hunters before they nerfed it. You could nearly instantly kill any squishy before you were even out of Shadowmeld.


Well in Classic NE Hunters were super rare but still great.


Vanilla is not about min/maxing. Don’t let anyone delude you into believing you have to optimize anything. Unless you’re going to pointlessly go for “world firsts” on raids that are over a decade old or join an unnecessarily competitive PVP guild nobody will mind that you’re a night elf rogue. If you think it looks cool, then play it. Trolls are terrible as well, but that’s not going to stop me from playing a troll rogue and a troll warrior.


If you’re rolling for racials, you’ll have a bad time.

You’ll get bored much faster than a night elf player, who’ll enjoy race they picked.

Some people live in illusion they’ll have bunch of dwarf priests and human warriors and rogues lining up to join their guild, also a few gnome mages and a gnome warlock.

Na pal, you’ll be taking plenty of variety to fill your group, and they’ll perform well because it doesn’t matter in the end all that much.


Uh… no, NE Hunter was super common. To the point it was a running joke about how most were bad.


I played a NE hunter, my post was meant as a joke.
[1-General] Hunter needed for UBRS who can kite
[me] links Rhok’Delar
[1] Yes but can you kite ?
[me] puts player on ignore.


flippy jumps.


the best part of being a NE. Everything else was just extra gravy, flippy jumps was da bomb.


When they vanish you know dawn eves are coming

The Shadow Meld is still pretty good in PvP especially for Hunters with cats.

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They are good for target practice.


i thought prot warrior was the best as night elf for the extra dodge and high base dex

They let you know when it’s safe to drink?