What are doing with these delves!?

why would I lie about struggling with T2? That second nerubian one with the darkness and the purple pools on the ground kill my character 4 times. I have a very hard time with dark content plus those platforms you can actually fall off the edge and die.

As the old joke goes, a man in a prison dungeon expecting execution during the middle ages made a bargain with the king, that if he could teach the king’s horse to talk in a year he would be set free. The king agreed. but back in his cell, his cellmate was mortified. He said, “What were you thinking? You cannot teach a horse to talk.”

The first prisoner said, “A lot can happen in a year. The king may die. I may die. The horse may die.”

“Or the horse may talk.”


lol, that would be funny


Yep. I highly doubt they ment for hp/dam to drop with more people.

Its week one and people have cleared past t8. Like come on.

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Maybe not but the broken scaling sure is.

yeah, i noticed that too. solo t8 earthcrawl mines was pretty easy on my 580 demo lock tuesday evening. wednesday i couldn’t get the final boss below 60% before i died.

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Yea, the guy selling the run just doesn’t loot it, you sit back and loot as he does the work.

I don’t need to ‘supply data’ - my statement is factual. Blizzard knows a whole lot of people don’t engage in challenging content - even though they have managed to chase some of them away from the game.

There were threads and threads about people missing world quests last expansion - do you seriously think they are going to run to this type of content?

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Only if you’re bad. Sorry but thats just the truth.

Either work to get better gear so you are closer to the recommended ilvl, or get better at your class.

Rest yall say is meaningless.

like a dad and child? Introducing them into this game? Or some other significant relationship trying to show why they love this game?

You’re attributing way too much compassion and understanding to them, lmao! And frankly also to the community at large because there aren’t a whole lot of generous souls out there that carry people purely out of altruism.

I mean, that would be one example. Or a couple. Or someone with a buddy who never gets to do anything because they’re bad.

Every time I think about two people doing it but not three or more, I think of the same situation: The good person carrying is always resenting and is a hair from not doing it. So maybe Blizz thinks two-player delves specifically had better go smoothly.

I wouldn’t say it was much of test, but I paid him a visit.

I don’t think I budged his health bar.

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I am unsurprised that they’ve yet to address this. I knew something felt way off this week.

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Yeah, he clapped me in about 6-10 seconds every attempt, through shield wall and demo shout on the higher difficulty.

I’m pretty sure everyone in here defending the broken scaling are the same folks who threw a fit when Blizz fixed the dungeon scaling that nerfed leveling speed… they just want a free lunch.


And how many times is that? any data? and I would submit fractional numbers at best

step 3… Profit!

Bosses can vary a lot from one attempt to another. A lot of it comes down to what Brann does. Sometimes he will get some good interrupts on the boss and give you timely heals and/or dispels. Other times he blows his big heals the second you pull, or at some random moment when it’s not needed. He’s a bit of a spaz.

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Brann’s jank AI is another reason why delves are less solo friendly. They’re scaled with him in mind but that scaling doesn’t take into account how incredibly inconsistent he can be. Everything would be so much simpler if they took him out of the equation entirely and scaled down the difficulty to compensate.

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