What are doing with these delves!?

If these numbers are correct this is an abject failure and once again all because of the seeming inability to get a handle on scaling.

Delves were advertised as being solo friendly content since day one but in reality you have every incentive to do them in a group. The whole point of the entire system was to allow solo players an alternative way to progress that bypassed the toxic WoW LFG environment.

And all of this comes on the heels of the Brann debacles regarding his own scaling issues, jank AI, and leveling controversy. At this point I’d normally say it’s time to hit the pause button and sort out the mess but this has already been the slowest launch in recent WoW history and there is no evidence any more time will help.

It’s really exasperating.

Edit: Oh Lordy… so instead of bringing down the difficulty of solo delves to what group delves were like they decided to do the opposite. “We would rather you just didn’t run delves,” Blizzard, probably.


I think this will change quietly every maintenance.

Going from monday to tuesday, t8 solo delves felt much harder on wednesday than tuesday. General mobs, can’t compare bosses until I do the same ones again.


Not even doing the bare minimum since that would have required beta testing during development.


Evidently so…

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You couldn’t go higher than t4 until Tuesday tho


2 accounts is the new meta boys just group up put your other character in there and solo it with ease


Right, it’s thursday and not wednesday.

Do you exist in the Twilight Zone? How did you get into T8 delves on Monday?
If yes to the first question, can I come over?


Just slap on a bunch of achievs for each class/spec/hero that must be solo to acquire.

Then give a harsh popup window right in the players face of they go to enter a delve that they don’t have the ilvl for.

Let people group clear it if they want, let people solo it if they want. (And of course fix the current scaling issue, hopefully by making it harder for groups)

If any nerfs come, wait until we have had time to acquire gear from the current season, it would be lame if we could 100% clear the delves on the hardest difficulty using the gear from the prior season, it should require damn near full current season gear.

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I’ve been doing tier 3 on all of my characters and only had to be a little bit careful in a couple of the delves due to some heavy hitting final bosses.

But now I can’t even do tier 2 without struggling on the trash and getting two shot by the final boss. This is the first time I’ve gone into delves since they opened up the higher tiers. They’ve seriously messed something up.


My head was thinking today was wednesday.

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Back on topic, I really don’t know why they lowered the scaling on groups Tuesday afternoon. They were more enjoyable with the initial scaling. Ran up to a T9 before that first hotfix, and it was fun actually.

For reference, from Sept 10 hotfixes:

Doing T8s yesterday in group finder already felt a little too easy.


there were some mobs that scaled WAY too high.

it does seem odd they reduced it across the board though.

is sad to say you are 100 percent true, have the second account sit afk in a healer spec and it will be the easiest thing you have ever done. Wild how easy delves are in a group of 1-3 compared to solo it’s a completely different game and experience


Has anyone tested Zekvir? I managed Immortal Spelunker, and Nemesis, but as a prot warrior on Zekvir (highest difficulty) literally kills me in four hits with shield wall, demo shout, victory rush, and block. I’m talking 4.2-4.4m hits.

And people still go ape bananas when others say that it’s a worse torghast?


Denial isn’t just a river in Egypt.

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after the sloot article I’ve tested solo delves by spec, Tank spec is getting the rough end of the stick, rerunning the same tier and delve on the same toon as DPS lowers the scaling almost x3, so much easier on a non-tank.

was baffled why my BDK was struggling in tier 4 and dying repeatedly on what should be easy mobs. on UDK tier 6 was a cakewalk.


This scaling is laughably bad - a monkey hitting random keys could do a better job.

A solo player faces enemies with higher HP, with less ability to control enemies to avoid damage (interrupts / stops), as the only target of the enemies, while the enemies do more damage.

A duo faces enemies with lower HP, with more abilities to control enemies and avoid damage, with two targets to split damage, while the enemies do less damage.

In what universe does that make sense.


This explains a lot tbh